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General data

Course ID: 1300-OHD1ZW
Erasmus code / ISCED: 07.301 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (0532) Earth science The ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) code has been designed by UNESCO.
Course title: Hydrogeology
Name in Polish: Hydrogeologia
Organizational unit: Faculty of Geology
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 2.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: Polish
Type of course:

obligatory courses

Short description:

Hydrogeology – place in the system of basic and applied sciences. Origin of groundwater and forms of its occurrence in relation to geology. Hydrogeological properties of rocks. Systematic of groundwater. Mapping hydrogeological regime. The basic laws of groundwater flow (Darcy’s law, permeability coefficient and the method of its determination, intrinsic permeability coefficient). Springs and their characteristic: water intake, exploitation and waters use. Water inflow to the wells (Dupuit’s law). Test pumping in a steady and unsteady conditions. The importance of the springs regime in identifying the regional hydrogeological conditions. Elements of hydrogeological and environmental change and protection cartography. Types of groundwater resources.

Full description:

The lecture is designed to acquaint a student with:

• defining the role of hydrogeology as a science,

• origin of groundwater (meteoric waters, condensation waters, fossil waters, juvenile waters),

• waters in the unsaturated and saturated zone and the systematic of hydrogeology

• hydrogeological medium and space (porous, fractured and karstic)

• hydrogeological properties of rocks and methodology of their determination (water-storage capacity, gravitational drainage capacity, elastic capacity, hydraulic permeability - permeability coefficient and intrinsic permeability coefficient)

• aquifers characteristic and occurrence of groundwater in different geological structures and environments

- glacial and fluwioglacial sediments

- alluvial sediments

- various forms of tectonics in the pre Quaternary formations

- the role of dislocation zones in the circulation and drainage of groundwater

• the purpose and graphical methods of mapping the occurrence of groundwater (hydrogeological cross-section, hydroizohypse map, hydroisobath map)

• classification, hydrogeological regime and methods of springs research

• the fundamental rights of groundwater flow

- filtration theory, types of the groundwater flow (Smreker-Missbach’s law)

- Darcy’s law and the range of its applicability

- apparent seepage velocity, effective velocity

- groundwater flow rate

• hydrogeological parameters of aquifers and aquifuges

- permeability coefficient (various methods of determining: laboratory methods, empirical formulas and field methods)

- transmissivity coefficient, elastic capacity coefficient

- factor and parameter of seepage through aquifuges

• groundwater intakes (construction of well, basic of projection, well drilling, well efficiency, delimitation of protection zone)

• groundwater resources (types, methods of quantifying)

• hydrogeological cartography (types of hydrogeological maps and the methods of mapping).

Bibliography: (in Polish)

- DOWGIAŁŁO J., KLECZKOWSKI A.S., MACIOSZCZYK T., RÓŻKOWSKI A. (red.), 2002. Słownik hydrogeologiczny. Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny. Warszawa,

- MACIOSZCZYK A. (red.), 2006. Podstawy hydrogeologii stosowanej. PWN. Warszawa,

- PAZDRO, Z., KOZERSKI, B. 1990. Hydrogeologia. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne; Warszawa (wyd. IV),

- TUREK S. (red.), 1971. Poradnik hydrogeologa. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne. Warszawa.

Learning outcomes:

After completing the course (lectures and exercises) a student:

- determines hydrogeological properties of rocks

- categorizes rocks according to criterions of permeability and capacity

- categorizes aquifers according to criterions of capacity

- interprets hydroizohypses, hydroisobathes and hydrogeological cross-sections

- classifies and characterizes springs

- names the particular laws ruling the groundwater flow

- distinguishes and identifies the particular elements of groundwater intake

- interprets the contents of basic hydrogeological maps

- recognizes and calculates by different methods (laboratory and field) the hydrogeological parameters of aquifer.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

To finally complete the exercise can begin after correctly (credited by the teacher) completion of all tasks. A final assessment of exercises based on the first colloquium with the correction taking into account the quality of completed tasks. Final assessment of the subject on the basis of written exam (to take the exam the student must have a positive assessment of the exercise).

Practical placement:


Classes in period "Winter semester 2023/24" (past)

Time span: 2023-10-01 - 2024-01-28
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Lecture, 30 hours, 80 places more information
Coordinators: Jerzy Małecki, Dorota Porowska
Group instructors: Jerzy Małecki, Dorota Porowska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - Examination
Lecture - Examination

Classes in period "Winter semester 2024/25" (in progress)

Time span: 2024-10-01 - 2025-01-26
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Lecture, 30 hours, 80 places more information
Coordinators: Jerzy Małecki, Dorota Porowska
Group instructors: Jerzy Małecki, Dorota Porowska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - Examination
Lecture - Examination
Course descriptions are protected by copyright.
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