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Language of media analysis

General data

Course ID: 3221-S2-0AJ22K
Erasmus code / ISCED: 09.6 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (0231) Language acquisition The ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) code has been designed by UNESCO.
Course title: Language of media analysis
Name in Polish: Analiza języka mediów
Organizational unit: Department of Belarusian Studies
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Belarusian
Type of course:

obligatory courses


Selected issues of linguistic borderland 3221-S2-0ZP11K

Prerequisites (description):

Before starting the course it is advisable to repeat information purchased in previous years, the knowledge of the history of modern Belarusian language and its territorial diversity and relationships of neighbours’ languages.

Short description:

Thea im of the course is to discuss the ethno-linguistic awareness of Belarusians affecting the development of the Belarusian language, with emphasis on the linguistic situation in the media and government language policy leading to changes in spelling rules. Media in Belarus (official and independent) use the reformed rules or classical. Like in other aspects of social life in Belarus, the language bilingualism is characteristic for the media and it leads to the creation of linguistic interference and Belarusian-Russian interlingual homonyms that make a comprehension of a text very difficult.

Belarusian language occurs also in foreign media: Belarusian diaspora media, national minorities and electronic media broadcast to Belarus from the Polish, Lithuanian, Czech Republic, Germany, the Vatican.

Full description:

During the semester seminar tere is discussed the ethno-linguistic consciousness of Belarusians affecting the development of the Belarusian language and authorities language policy, leading to changes in spelling, caused basically by non-linguistic factors. Frequent reforms of Belarusian language led to the coexistence of different spelling rules, and consequently to their loosening.

Positive impact on the development of language had the Law on the languages in Belarus enacted in 1990, which ensured the development of Belarusian language as the national and minority languages as well.

But a few years later, in 1995 there was a language referendum conducted, which imposed the Russian language as a second national language, which began to intercept functions of Belarusian language. Ranges of using both languages are disproportionate. Russian language has a large advantage in the state and social life, including in the media. Language policy in Belarus is not conducive to the development of Belarusian language.

There is being analysed the language situation in Belarusian press and electronic media (radio, television, Internet) in terms of the new law on mass media. Particular attention is being paid on the nature of the Internet.

Media in Belarus, as well as other areas of social life in Belarus, is characterized by language bilingualism. Belarusian newspapers are divided into: Belarusian, Belarusian-Russian bilingual, Russian-speaking. During the course there are discussed individual titles of newspapers and magazines, and radio and television programs that include bilingual acts of communication - the most common phenomenon: the journalist speaks in Belarusian, while his interlocutor – in Russian.

In Belarusian media exist two standards of modern Belarusian literary language: classical ("tarashkevitsa") and reformed ("narkamauka"). For specific examples there are shown phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic differences, and discussed the reasons for their occurrence.

Belarusian official and independent media are characterized by other expressions which aim is to manipulate the meaning in the communication discourse, such as palitychnya maryjanetki, lukashenkauski regime ... Language cliché. Features of journalistic style.

The attention is paid on the culture of journalists language. Language bilingualism causes Belarusian-Russian linguistic interference and leads to the formation of the Belarusian-Russian i interlingual homonyms, resulting in an incorrect pronunciation, inflective, syntactic and meaning changes of individual lexemes causing misunderstanding of the sender by the recipient.

There is also analysed the pun - in the press titles, in advertising using the stylistic means of language (metaphors, analogies, comparisons ...) and the Belarusian-Russian interlingual homonyms.

In Belarusian media the feminization of the Belarusian language is very evident. There are important differences in the approach to literary standards in the practice of official and independent media.

Belarusian language occurs also in the foreign media: Belarusian media of national minorities (in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia) and in electronic media, broadcast to Belarus from Polish, Lithuanian, Czech Republic, Germany and the Vatican. Because most of them has its headquarters in Poland (European Radio for Belarus, Belarusian Editors of Polish Radio External Service, Radio Racya, TV Belsat), so there are particularly clearly noticed Polish language influences. The attention is paid on the Polish-Belarusian interlingual homonymy, translator’s false friends.

Till now the press of Belarusian emigration is published and its determinant is "tarashkevitsa" as a basic principle of spelling. During the course there are discussed the most important titles ("Batskaushchyna", "Belarus", "Zapisy") and characterized the language of the various editions.


1. Bachańkou A., Razviccjo leksyki belaruskaj litaraturnaj movy u savecki peryjad, Minsk 1982.

2. Barszczewska N., Belaruskaja emihracyja – abaronca rodnae movy, Warszawa 2004.

3. Barszczewska N., Działalność białoruskich ośrodków naukowych na uchodźstwie, w: „Roczniki Humanistyczne”, t. LVI, z. 7, Lublin 2008.

4. Barszczewska N., Reforma 1933 hodu i stan nacyjanalnae movy u Respublicy Belarus’, w: Innowacje w językach wschodniosłowiańskich, t. II, Zielona Góra 2002.

5. Barszczewska N., Rola belaruskaj dyjaspary u zachavanni i razvicci belaruskaj movy, w: Rola belaruskaj dyjaspary u zachavanni i razvicci belaruskaj kultury, Minsk 2004.

6. Barszczewska N., Rusyfikacyja belaruskae movy u asvjatlenni czasapisu „Belarus”, w: Acta Albaruthenica, nr 3, Minsk 2003.

7. Barszczewska N., Rusyfikacyjnyja pracesy u Belarusi u acency Stanislava Stankevicza, w: Roczniki Humanistyczne, t. LIII, Lublin 2005.

8. Dubovik S.V., Sacyjalny patencyjal belaruskaj peryjodyki, Minsk 2000.

9. Dzicevicz L., Asnounyja pryczyny zvużennja użytku suczanaj belaruskaj litaraturnaj movy, w: Tradicii i obyczai narodov Rossii i Belarusi, Minsk 2001.

10. Iuczankau V., Belaruski pravapis: z dvaccataha stahoddzja – u dvaccac’ perszae, w: „Rodnae slova”, nr 2, Minsk 2009.

11. Iucankau V.I., Dyskurs belaruskich SMI. Arhanizacyja publicystycznaha tekstu, Minsk 2003.

12. Klimau I., Historyja skladvannja dvuch standartau u belaruskaj litaraturnaj move, w: „Rodnae slova”, nr 6, Minsk 2004.

13. Klimau I., Linhvistycznaja apazycyja dvuch standartau belaruskaj litaraturnaj movy, w: „Rodnae slova”, nr 7, Minsk 2004.

14. Klimau I. Reforma 1933 hoda: peradumovy i nastupstvy, w: „Rodnae slova”, nr 12, Minsk 2003.

15. Kulikovicz U., Fanetyczny pryncyp i prawily peradaczy na piśme halosnych u nowym belaruskim pravapise, w: Acta Albaruthenica, nr 9, Warszawa 2009.

16. Loban M., Sufiks -ir u belaruskaj litaraturnaj move, w: „Litaratura i mastactva”, Minsk 17.09.1948.

17. Lukaszanec A., Belaruski arfahraficzny slounik, Minsk 2010.

18. Lycz L., Belaruskaja nacyja i mova, Minsk 1993.

19. Muchin V., Zmeny belaruskaha pravapisu u Saveckaj Belarusi: zbornik dakumentau, Homel 2000.

20. Narkevicz A.I., Hramatycznaja norma i varyjantnasc’, w: Kultura movy żurnalista, Minsk 1982.

21. Padluży A.I., Mounaja palityka na suczasnym etape, w: „Belaruskaja dumka”, nr 5, Minsk 1993.

22. Piskunou F., Arfahraficzny slounik belaruskaj movy: meży narmatyunasci, w: „Rodnae slova”, nr 7, Minsk 2010.

23. Pravily belaruskaj arfahrafii i punktuacyi, Minsk 2010.

24. Sadouski P., Inavacyi 90-ch hadou u moce belaruskich nedzjaraunych vydannjau, w: Belarusika-Albaruthenica, nr 19, Minsk 2001.

25. Sauka Z., Mazaicznaja artahrafija, w: „Arche”, Minsk 16.12. 2008.

26. Sauka Z., Pravily levapisu…, w: „Arche”, nr 3, Minsk 2007.

27. Sauka Z., Vjarblud na trasjancy, w: „Arche”, nr 1-2, Minsk 2007.

28. Scjacko P., Nebelaruskija slovy u belaruskich slounikach, w: „Polymja”, nr 10, Minsk 1995.

29. Scjacko P., Kultura movy, Minsk 2002.

30. Scjacko P., Prablemy leksicznaha narmavannja belaruskaj movy, Hrodna 1999.

31. Scjacko P., Prablemy udaskanalennja struktury terminalahicznych adzinak nacyjanalnaj belaruskaj movy, w: Prablemy belaruskaj navukovaj terminalohii, Minsk 1995.

32. Stankevicz J., Belaruska-rasijski (Vjalikalitouska-rasijski) slounik, New York 1990.

33. Stankevicz S., Rusyfikacyja belaruskae movy u BSSR i supraciu rusyfikacyjnamu procesu, w: „Zapisy”, nr 1, Miunchen 1962.

34. Suprun A.J., Klimenka H.P., Nekatoryja psichalinhvistycznyja asablivasci belaruska-ruskahadvuchmouja, w: Pytanni bilinhvizmu i uzaemadzejannja mou, Minsk 1982.

35. Szuba P.P., Mova srodkau masavaj infarmacyi z punktu hledżannja normy, w: Jazyk i socium, Minsk 1998.

36. Trusau A., Mesca i rolja ruskaj movy u hramadskim życci Belarusi, w: Belaruskaja mova: szlachi razviccja, kantakty, perspektywy, Minsk 2001.

37. Vjaczorka V., Pravapis (Sproba suczasnae narmalizacyi), w: „Spadczyna”, nr 5, Minsk 1995.

38. Vjaczorka V.R., Asablivasci leksicznaj sistemy belaruskaj litaraturnaj movy Zachodnjaj Belarusi, w: Belaruskaja linhvistyka, nr 30, Minsk 1986.

39. Vjaczorka V.R., Asnounyja hrafika-arfahraficznyja asablivasci peryjodyki Zachodnjaj Belarusi, w: Belaruskaja linhvistyka, nr 29, Minsk 1986.

40. Zaprudski S., Staulenne da nekatorych inavacyj belaruskaj litaraturnaj movy (pavodle dadzenych sacyjalinhvistycznaha apytannja), w: Studia Białorutenistyczne 2, Lublin 2008.

41. Żurauski A., Prablemy norm belaruskaj litaraturnaj movy, Minsk 1993.

Learning outcomes:

After completing the course, student:


- understands the influence of politics and history on the development of Belarusian literary language

- understands the territorial conditions of the process of Belarusian language differentiation

- has the advance knowledge concerning the subject and methodology characteristics and the advanced terminology used in translation studies


- can prepare individual literary or linguistic comparison analyses using appropriate methods and research tools

- can recognise advanced language structures and evaluate their correctness

- can evaluate the meaning of particular language occurrences in the synchronicity and historical context

- can evaluate the meaning of particular language occurrences in the context of modern international, economical, political and social situation of Belarus and its borderlands

- can use the advanced linguistic terms during the process of language occurrences analysis


- correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas of working in the profession

- systematically participates in Belarusian cultural life using various media and its various forms

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

- presence and activity in the classroom,

- preparing for current classes,

- ongoing monitoring and interpreting tests, consisting of scores on credit

This course is not currently offered.
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