Visual anthropology
General data
Course ID: | 3500-FAKL-ANTWIZ-OG |
Erasmus code / ISCED: |
Course title: | Visual anthropology |
Name in Polish: | Antropologia wizualna |
Organizational unit: | Faculty of Sociology |
Course groups: |
General university courses General university courses in the social sciences |
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): |
(not available)
Language: | Polish |
Type of course: | general courses |
Mode: | Classroom |
Short description: |
The main aim of the seminar is to problematize and communicate knowledge about the broadly understood visual aspects in social life as well as in cultural research. How the new media transforms the understanding of reality and the functions of the image. The seminar will provide knowledge about visual culture and typologization of sources / visual information. What is the role of images and images of the "Other" (museums, art galleries) in the understanding of the world and the study of different cultures. What functions do images within different cultural realities (eg picture in Christianity in the past and today). |
Full description: |
The main aim of the seminar is to problematize and communicate knowledge about the broadly understood visual aspects in social life as well as in cultural research. How the new media transforms the understanding of reality and the functions of the image. The seminar will provide knowledge about visual culture and typologization of sources / visual information. What is the role of images and images of the "Other" (museums, art galleries) in the understanding of the world and the study of different cultures. What functions do images within different cultural realities (eg picture in Christianity in the past and today). The workshop will provide knowledge about visual culture and types of sources / visual information and changes in culture that introduce new visualization technologies. The applications of visual research methods in the history of anthropology and sociology will be discussed. The workshop also aims to develop the ability to interpret visual sources and to prepare the theoretical concepts of visual anthropology in research practice. 1. Introduction - visuality in social practice today, formerly, somewhere else 2. Visual culture - iconosphere and sociosphere 3. The use of visual methods in classical anthropological research and other projects aimed at injuring the "Other" in the first half of the twentieth century 4. What is the picture and photography. Basic concepts. 5. Methods of image analysis. Basic shots. Examples. 6. The impact of new media on the transformation of photography and photography. 7. Discussion of the application of visual methods in social research on specific examples 8. Ethnographic film - history, creators, types 9. Seeing the "Other" - anthropological museums and "primitive art" |
Bibliography: |
(in Polish) 1. Kultura wizualna współcześnie Bourdieu P. „Społeczna definicja fotografii” w: (red.) Boguni-Borowska M, Sztompka P. „Fotospołeczeństwo. Antologia tekstów z Socjologii wizualnej” ”, Znak, Kraków, 2012, s.239-264 Emmison M. Smith P. „Trendy w badaniach wizualnych. Przegląd koncepcji w: (red.) Boguni-Borowska M, Sztompka P. „Fotospołeczeństwo. Antologia tekstów z Socjologii wizualnej” ”, Znak, Kraków, 2012, s. 668-703. 2. Fotografia w klasycznej antropologii Olechnicki K. „Długa historia antropologii obrazu” w: Olechnicki K. „Antropologia obrazu”, Oficyna Naukowa, 2003,Warszawa, s. 29-49. Wright T. „Antropolog jako artysta: fotografie Malinowskiego z Triobriandów” w: Konteksty. Polska Sztuka Ludowa + Sławomir Sikora Naoczny świadek – Kiriwina Malinowskiego w: “Konteksty”, Kraków, 2000. 3. Dynamika życia społecznego a obrazy Emmison M, Smith P. „Żywe formy danych wizualnych: ciała tożsamości interakcje” w: (red.) Boguni-Borowska M, Sztompka P. „Fotospołeczeństwo. Antologia tekstów z Socjologii wizualnej” , s.822-858. Drozdowski R., Krajewski M. „Za fotografię!”, Bęc Zmiana, 2010, r. „Fotografowania jako gest symboliczny” s. 88-134. 4. Film etnograficzny Sikora S. „Film i paradoksy wizualności. Praktykowanie antropologii”, r. „Próby definicji i przybliżenia teoretyczne” DiG, Warszawa, 2012 s.108-131. Sikora S. „Film i paradoksy wizualności. Praktykowanie antropologii”, r. Film etnograficzny. Wczesne doświadczenia” DiG, Warszawa, 2012 s. 74-92. 5. Fotografia jako metoda badawcza “Badania wizualne w działaniu. Antologia”, Bęc Zmiana, 2011 r. M. Clark-Ibanez r. Kadrowanie świata społecznego przy użyciu wywiadu fotograficznego”, s. 39-66. Sztompka P. „Socjologia wizualna. Fotografia jako metoda badawcza”, PWN, Warszawa, 2005, r. 4 „Fotografia jako uzupełnienie innych metod Socjologii” s. 47-745. 6. Płeć w reklamie Crane D. r. „Obrazy mody a walka o tożsamość kobiet” s. 582-616. Goffman Erving „Gender advertisements”, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1979. 7. Czym jest obraz Sikora S. „Fotografia między dokumentem symbolem”, ISz PAN, 2004, Wprowadzenie, r. 1 „Kłopoty z fotografią”, s.7-40. Rouille A. „Fotografia. Między dokumentem a sztuką współczesną”, r. IV „Kryzys fotografii – dokumentu”, Universitas, Kraków, 2007, s. 155-183. 8. Obrazy w sieci Dijck J. „Zdemediatyzowane wspomnienia w epoce cyfrowej” w: w: (red.) Boguni-Borowska M, Sztompka P. „Fotospołeczeństwo. Antologia tekstów z Socjologii wizualnej” , s. 488-515. Ferenc T., Olechnicki K. „Dlaczego warto badać obrazy sieci?”, Drozdowski R. „Zdjęcia w sieci” r. w: Ferenc T., Olechnicki K. „Obrazy w sieci. Socjologia i antropologia ikonosfery Internetu”, WNUMM, 2009, s. 7-32. 9. Ikonosfera Jencks Ch. „Wstęp”, „Sposoby przekazu architektonicznego” w: „Architektura postmodernistyczna”, Arkady, 1987, s. 39-80. Przybył E. Pałac Kultury i Nauki jako socjalistyczna sakralizacja przestrzeni w: (red.) Zuzanna Grębocka, Jakub Sadowski „Pałac Kultury i Nauki. Między ideologią a masową wyobraźnią”, Nomos, 2007, s. 89-124. 10. Miejskie obrazy-intruzi Drozdowski R. „Obraza na obrazy”, Zysk i S-ska, 2009 r. „Obrazy-intruzi w przestrzeni publicznej” s. 87-138. Drozdowski R. „Obraza na obrazy”, Zysk i S-ska, 2009r. „Fotografie w cieniu zakazów fotografowania”, s. 68-86. 11. Rzeczy i ludzie Belting H. „Obraz i kult”, Słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk, 2010 Wprowadzenie, s. 7-24. (red.) J. Kowalewski W. Piasek, M.Śliwa „Rzeczy i ludzie. Humanistyka wobec materialności”, UWM, 2008, r. A. Kowalski „Kulturoznawcza genealogia kategorii i materialności rzeczy” s. 15-25. 12. „Sztuka prymitywna” Schreiber H. „Koncepcja „sztuki prymitywnej. Odkrywanie, oswajanie i udomowienie Innego w świecie Zachodu”, r. „Oswajanie Innego: narodziny sztuki prymitywnej”, UW, 2012 s.134-191. Schreiber H. „Koncepcja „sztuki prymitywnej. Odkrywanie, oswajanie i udomowienie Innego w świecie Zachodu”, r. Charakter sztuki prymitywnej”, UW, 2012 s.53-90. 13. Obrazy zwierząt Berger J. „O patrzeniu”, Aletheia, 1999, s. 7-39. Konecki K. „Prywatna prezentacja kontekstów interakcji. Analiza fotografii zwierząt domowych” Referat na XII Zjazd Socjologiczny, Poznań, 15-18.09.2004, ‘Polska w Europie: uwarunkowania i perspektywy’. |
Learning outcomes: |
Knows and understands basic sociological concepts Has basic knowledge about social structures and selected social institutions, and their interrelations Has basic knowledge about local, domestic and international institutions and the problems of European integration Has awareness of various forms of social organization existing in the past and in the present Is aware of social differentiation and existing social inequalities, as well as their impact on the life of individuals and the functioning of social groups Has basic knowledge about the types of social ties and the rules that govern them Understands the social nature of relationships between individuals, social groups and social institutions Has basic knowledge about the mechanisms of social group dynamics and interdependencies between groups and individuals Is aware of the importance of the social group in building man’s identity Has basic knowledge about cultural diversity of Poland and the modern world Has basic knowledge of methods used in research on cultural diversity Has basic knowledge of problems stemming from the cultural diversity of modern society Has basic knowledge of the criteria of inference correctness Knows basic methods and techniques of social research and can choose appropriate methods to solve basic research problems Understands the specificity of sociological analysis Knows how to plan and carry out a simple quantitative and qualitative study Has basic knowledge of major foreign, international and domestic sociological research Has basic knowledge of the norms and rules governing social structures and institutions Has basic knowledge about institutions and organizations responsible for the transfer of norms and rules in society, such as educational, legal, moral and religious systems Has basic knowledge about the functioning of the economy and its relations with other social institutions Has basic knowledge about the processes forming the basis of social stability and change, and understands their nature Is aware of the processes occurring in Polish and global society and their consequences for social attitudes and institutions Has basic knowledge about the current needs and problems of Polish society and changes occurring in this area Knows the most important processes and ideas of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, which have shaped the face of the modern world Is aware of the consequences of choosing a particular theoretical perspective Can record and observe social phenomena in a methodologically correct way Can interpret past and present social events (political, cultural, and economic) using sociological concepts and theories Can use basic sociological terms and categories to analyze societies, particularly contemporary Polish society Can independently find facts and materials needed to conduct simple sociological analyses, using various sources in both Polish and a foreign language, and using modern technologies Can independently form simple judgments on the causes of selected social processes and phenomena Can use basic theoretical categories to describe social changes in modern societies Can conduct a simple analysis of the consequences of the processes occurring in modern societies Can prepare a simple, descriptive scenario predicting the course of social processes and phenomena Can use ethical norms and rules in research practice Can use academic knowledge acquired in social practice Can select proper research methods and techniques to conduct an analysis of a particular problem Can plan and carry out a social study using basic quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques Can interpret simple social phenomena using basic statistical methods Can use the basic functions of a chosen computer program for data analysis Can discuss measures presented as solutions to particular social problems (in micro and macro scale), based on acquired knowledge Can formulate a general evaluation of a measure undertaken to solve a particular social problem, based on acquired knowledge Can form judgments on motives of human behavior and predict its social consequences Can analyze group interactions at a basic level Can describe the role of culture in the life of the individual and society Can comprehend a scientific text and identify its main theses and the author’s arguments, as well as discuss them Can effectively collaborate with members of a task team Can share the acquired sociological knowledge Can find, gather and synthesize information about social phenomena Can participate in a discussion Can argue a thesis Can critically assess sources Can present results of his/her own research Knows and observes the rules of professional ethics, including those pertaining to intellectual property Can properly use sources of scientific information Respects dignity of persons participating in a study (respondents, informers, interviewees and other participants) Respects opinions of other people, for instance those expressed in a group discussion Is aware of the consequences of ongoing projects |
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: |
(in Polish) prezentacja 10% praca pisemna 90% |
Copyright by University of Warsaw.