1. Explaining the course purposes and organization, Clinical Psychology specialization and Clinical Neuropsychology track programs, including summer practices. Discussing individual interests and experience of students in the field of psychology or clinical neuropsychology. Short 15-20 min introductory Test 0, without grades, to refresh knowledge on biological basis of behavior.
2. Discussing the Test 0 results, issues related to Tests 1, 2, 3 and an essay. Clinical neuropsychology as a scientific discipline. History and well known milestones in the field of Brain and Behaviour relationships and Neurosciences.
3. The main questions in neuropsychology, the main macromodels of the brain. (instructor materials).
4. Test 1: history of clinical neuropsychology; structure and function of the brain. Neuropsychology 3.0 – future directions.
- G. Beaumont (2008). Introduction to Neuropsychology by. 2nd ed.Chapter The Discipline of Neuropsychology (3-21). Chapter. The Structure of the Central Nervous System (22-41).
- Darby, D., Walsh, K. (2005). Walsh’s Neuropsychology. A Clinical Approach 5th edition. Chapter 1. History of neuropsychology (1-31).
- Robert M. Bilder, R.M. (2011). Neuropsychology 3.0: Evidence-Based Science and Practice. J. Int. Neuropsychol. Soc., 17, 7–13
5. Neuropsychology 1.0, 2.0. Clinical neuropsychology as a part of evidence based medicine (EBM). (instructor materials)
6. Bioinformatics and clinical neuropsychology.
- Jagaroo, V., Santangelo, S.L., (2016). Neurophenotypes. Advancing Psychiatry and Neuropsychology in the “OMNICS” Era. (student presentations)
7. Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) and Clinical Neuropsychology.
- Kozak, M.J., Cuthbert, B.N. (2016). The NIMH Research Domain Driteria Initiative: Background, Issues, and Pragmatics. Psychophysiology, 53, 286-297. (student presentations, work in subgroups)
8. Understanding brain damaged patient. Consciousness vs. alertness, types of consciousness disorders. Brain stem functions. (instructor materials)
9. Test 2:
D. Darby, K. Walsh (2005). Walsh’s Neuropsychology. A Clinical Approach 5th edition (2005). Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (65-307).
10. Automatic, subconscious aspects of cognitive processes and integration of perceptual information. Functions of subcortical structures. (instructor materials)
11. The role of neurotransmitter systems in behaviour regulation. (instructor materials)
12. Cortical systems of behaviour regulation and disordres 1. (instructor materials)
13. Ethical issues in working with brain damaged patients. (instructor materials)
- S. Laureys & G. Tononi (2009). The Neurology of Consciousness. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropathology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Chapter 18. Neuroethics and Disorders of Consciousness: A Pragmatic Approach to Neuropalliative Care (234-244).
14. Test 3.
- S. Laureys & G. Tononi (2009). The Neurology of Consciousness. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropathology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Chapter 3. Functional Neuroimaging (31-42). Chapter 18. Neuroethics and Disorders of Consciousness: A Pragmatic Approach to Neuropalliative Care (234-244).
15. Student presentation of essay topics. Discussion and consultation.
The scope and sequence of the above topics may be somewhat flexible depending on the work and needs of students participating in the course.