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The History of Archaeology of Israel/Palestine - ZIP

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Kod przedmiotu: 3104-WH19-RKLETT2-OG
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Nazwa przedmiotu: The History of Archaeology of Israel/Palestine - ZIP
Jednostka: Instytut Historyczny
Grupy: Przedmioty ogólnouniwersyteckie humanistyczne
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

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Język prowadzenia: angielski
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The History of Archaeology in Israel/Palestine (Course Abstract)

The aim of this course is to teach the history of Archaeology of Israel/Palestine from the beginnings of research in the Ottoman period to the present. It is a turbulent, dynamic history shaped by many factors, both external and internal. As any other scientific discipline, archaeology does not happen in a void and is not detached from present human life. Especially, since the past is intrinsic to the present: the way we conceive the past shapes our narratives and ideologies, and vice versa (the past is being shaped by us, constantly and dynamically, in our image).

To research a distant past, but ignore the history of this research, is an illogical position. Each scientific study, even the most ‘groundbreaking’, is based on former studies; every scholar must learn the history of her/his own discipline – and contemplate about her/his relation to it.

In this course we will study the history of archaeology of Israel/Palestine in relation to political, social and economic changes. The course is open for all students. Prior knowledge in archaeology is not required, but good English is (we will read and discuss articles in class). Total 15 meetings (30 Hours). Time: February 19, 2020 to June 10, 2020 (no classes April 15 and 22).

Topics for classes include:

1. (Christian) pioneers in the Ottoman Period: The age of exploration and large-scale surveys.

2. The ‘invention’ of stratified excavations by W.F. Petrie.

3. Late Ottoman Archaeology (until 1917).

4. The British Mandate Period (1917-1948): The Department of Antiquities, growth of (Western) excavations, birth of “salvage” excavations, the Rockefeller Museum (1938), etc.

5. Hebrew beginnings: The Israel Exploration Society (1913), the Hebrew University (1920) and the first generation of archaeologists.

6. The zenith of Biblical Archaeology – The Figure of Albright.

7. Early Israeli Archaeology (1948-1967): The Israeli Department of Antiquities and Museums, salvage work, relief works, and the Hazor excavations (Yadin).

8. The development of regional and central museums for Archaeology in Israel

9. Real and Mythical Methods of Excavations.

10. Archaeological legislation (Ottoman, British, and Israeli).

11. Israeli Archaeology (after 1967): New Archaeology and the ‘fall’ of Biblical Archaeology

12. Archaeology in the West Bank and Gaza after 1967 and the birth of Palestinian Archaeology.

13. Archaeology, Politics, and Ethics in East Jerusalem: a resurrection of Biblical Archaeology?

Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

1. (Christian) Pioneers in the Age of Exploration and Large Surveys.

Allegro, J.M. 1965. The Shapira Affair: The Mystery of a Nineteenth-Century Discovery of a Dead Sea Manuscript: A Forgery or the Oldest Bible in the World? London: W.H. Allen.

Bar-Yosef, E. 2009. The “Deaf Traveller,” the ‘Blind Traveller,” and Constructions of Disability in Nineteenth-Century Travel Writing. Victorian Review 35: 133–154.

Cohen-Hatab, K. and Katz, Y. 2001. The attraction of Palestine: Tourism in the Years 1850–1948. Journal of Historical Geography 27: 166–177.

Conder, J. 1830. The Modern Traveller: Palestine. London.

Conder. C. R. 1878. Tent Work in Palestine: A Record of Discovery and Adventure, 2 Volumes. London.

Gurin, V. 1868–1880. Description Géographique Historique et Archéologique de la Palestine. 7 Volumes. Paris.

Hallote, R. 2006. Bible, Map, and Spade: The American Palestine Exploration Society, Frederick Jones Bliss, and the Forgotten Story of Early American Biblical Archaeology. Piscataway, N.J.: Gorgias Press.

Joseph, S. 1995. Britain’s Social, Moral, and Cultural Penetration of Palestine: British Travelers in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Palestine and their Perception of the Jews. The Arab Studies Journal 3/1: 45–67.

Melman, B. 1992. Women’s Orient: English Women and the Middle East 1718–1918. London: Macmillan.

Robinson, E. 1856. Biblical Researches in Palestine, 1838–52. 3 volumes. Boston: Crocker and Brewster.

Rogers, SS.S. 2011. Inventing the Holy Land: American Protestant Pilgrimage to Palestine, 1865–1941. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Book.

Shepherd, N. 1987. The Zealous Intruders: From Napoleon to the Dawn of Zionism. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Smith, G. A. 1896. Historical Geography of the Holy Land. London (fourth edition).

Warren, C. 1876. Underground Jerusalem. London.

Warren, C. and Conder, C.R. 1884. Survey of Western Palestine. Jerusalem Archive Edition 1998. London.

Wilson, C. W. 1866. Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem Made in the Years 1864 to 1865. Southampton.

Wilson, C. 1865. Ordnance Survey of Jerusalem. London: G.E. Eyre and W. Sopttiswoode.

Wright, T. 1948. Early Travels in Palestine. London.

2. The ‘Invention’ of Stratigraphy by W.F. Petrie.

Drower, M.S. 1990. W.M. Flinders Petrie, The Palestine Exploration Fund and Tell el-Hesi. PEQ 122: 87–95.

Drower, M.S., 1995. Flinders Petrie: A Life in Archaeology, Madison: University of Wisconsin.

Petrie, W.M.F. 1904. Methods and Aims in Archaeology. London.

Petrie, W.M.F. 1890. Tell el-Hesi (Lachish), London: Palestine Exploration Fund.

Petrie, W.M.F. 1931. Seventy Years in Archaeology. London.

Quirke, S. 2010. Hidden Hands: Egyptian Workforces in Petrie Excavation Archives, 1880–1924. London: Duckworth.

Ramsey, J.D. 2004. Petrie and the Intriguing Idiosyncrasies of Racism. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bha.14203

Sheppard, K 2010. Flinders Petrie and Eugenics. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 20/1: 16–29, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bha.20103.

Silberman, N. 1999. Petrie’s Head: Eugenics and Near Eastern archaeology. In: A. Kehoe and M. Emmerichs (eds). Assembling the Past: Studies in the Professionalization of Archaeology. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico: 69–80.

Sparks, R.T. 2013. Publicizing Petrie: Financing Fieldwork in British Mandate Palestine (1926–1938). Present Pasts 5: 1–15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/pp.56

Stevenson, A. 2012. We seem to be working in the Same Line. A.H.L.F. Pitt-Rivers and W.M.F. Petrie. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 22: 4–13.

3. Late Ottoman Archaeology

Bahrani, Z. 2011. Scramble for the Past. A Story of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire, 1753–1914. Istanbul.

Bliss, F. 1906. The Development of Palestine Exploration. New York.

Browman, D.L. 2011. Spying by American Archaeologists in World War I. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 21: 10–17.

Çelik, Z. 2016. About Antiquities: Politics of Archaeology in the Ottoman Empire. Austin: University of Texas.

Cobbing, F.J. 2005, The American Palestine Exploration Society and the Survey of Eastern Palestine. PEQ 137: 9–21.

Cobbing, F.J. and Tubb, J. 2007. Before the Rockefeller: The First Palestine Museum in Jerusalem. Mediterraneum 5: 79–89.

Goren, Haim. 2001. Scientific Organizations as Agents of Change: the Palestine Exploration Fund, the Deutsche Verein zur Erforschung Palästinas and Nineteenth-century Palestine. Journal of Historical Geography 27: 153–65.

Elden, E. 2017. Early Ottoman Archaeology: Rediscovering the Finds of Ascalon (Ashkelon), 1847. BASOR 378: 25–53.

Koçak, A. 2011. The Ottoman Empire and Archaeological Excavations: Ottoman Policy from 1840–1906, Foreign Archaeologists, and the Formation of the Ottoman Museum. Istanbul: Isis.

Macalister, R.A.S. 1912. The Excavation of Gezer 1902–1905 and 1907–1909. London: PEF.

Mackenzie, D., 1911. The Excavations at ‘Ain Shems, PEF Annual 1. London: Palestine Exploration Fund.

Mershen, B. and Hübner, U. 2006. Tawfiq Canaan and His Contribution to the Ethnography of Palestine. Palaestina exploranda: Studien zur Erforschung Palästinas…: 250–264.

Momigliano, N., 1996. Duncan Mackenzie and the Palestine Exploration Fund. PEQ 128: 139–70.

Ofrat-Friedlander, G. 1983. The Bezalel Museum (1905–1929). In: N. Shiloh-Cohen ed., Bezalel 1906–1929. Jerusalem: Israel Museum Catalogue: 31–116.

Palmer, U. 2014. Ernst Sellin – Alttestamentler und Archäologe. Frankfurt: Peter Lang

Reisner, G.A., Fisher, C. A., and Lyon, D. G., 1924. Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908–1910. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Rosenberg, S.G. 2009. The parker Mission and Hezekiah’s Tunnel. Strata 27: 79–87.

Shay, O. 2007. The Museums and the Archaeological Collections of the British Exploration Societies in Ottoman Palestine. In: E. Baruch, et al. eds. New Studies on Jerusalem 12: 165–17 (Hebrew).

Shay, O. 2009. Collectors and Collections in Palestine at the End of the Ottoman Era. Le Muséon 122: 449–471.

Shiller, E. ed. 1988. Guide for Museums in the Kibbutzim Jerusalem. Ariel (Hebrew).

St. Laurent, B. and Taşkömür, H. 2013. The Imperial Museum of Antiquities in Jerusalem 1890–1930: An Alternative Narrative. Jerusalem Quarterly 55: 6–45.

Vincent, L. H., 191l. Underground Jerusalem: Discoveries on the Hill of Ophel 1909–1911. London.

Wolff, S. et al. 2015. Macalister: Villain or Visionary? London: Palestine Exploration Fund Annual 12.

4. The British Mandate Period (1917–1948).

Abu El-Haj, N. 2002. Producing (Arti) Facts: Archaeology and Power during the British Mandate of Palestine. Israel Studies 7/2: 33–61.

Albright, W.F. 1940. The Archaeology of Palestine. Penguin.

Ashbee, C. R. 1921. Jerusalem 1918–20: Being the Records of the Pro-Jerusalem Council during the Period of the British Military Administration. London: Murray.

Ben-Arieh, Y. 1999. Non-Jewish Institutions and the Research of Palestine during the British Mandate Period (parts I-II). Cathedra 92: 135–172; Cathedra 93:111–142 (Hebrew).

Brown, J. and Kutler, L. 2005. Nelson Glueck: Biblical Archaeologist and President of the Hebrew Union College. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press.

Emberling, Geoff. 2010. Pioneers to the Past. American Archaeologists in the Middle East 1919–1920. Chicago: The Oriental Institute.

Fierman, F. 1986. Rabbi Nelson Glueck. An Archaeologist’s Secret Life in the OSS. Biblical Archaeology Review 12/5: 18–22.

Garstang, J. 1922. Eighteen Months’ Work of the Department of Antiquities for Palestine, July 1920 – December 1921. PEFQS 55: 57–62.

Garstang, J. 1923. Third Annual Report. Bulletin of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem 2: 4.

Gibson, Sh. 1999. British Archaeological Institutions in Mandatory Palestine 1917–1948. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 131: 115–43.

Goldstein, K. 2003. On Display: The Politics of Museums in Israeli Society. PhD Diss. University of Chicago.

Goode, J.F. 2007. Negotiating for the Past. Archaeology, Nationalism, and Diplomacy in the Middle East, 1919–1941. Austin: University of Texas.

Grant, E., and Wright, G.E. 1939. Ain Shems Excavations Part 5. Haverford, Pennsylvania: Haverford College.

Fuchs, R., and Herbert, G. 2000. Representing Mandatory Palestine: Austen St. Barbe Harrison and the Representational Buildings of the British Mandate in Palestine, 1922–37. Architectural History 43: 281–333.

Iliffe, J.H. 1938. The Palestine Archaeological Museum, Jerusalem. The Museum Journal 38: 1–22.

Iliffe, J.H. 1949. A Short Guide to the Exhibition Illustrating the Stone and Bronze Ages in Palestine. Jerusalem: Palestine Archaeological Museum.

Montgomery, J.A. 1925. The Story of the School in Jerusalem. ASOR Annual 6: 1–9.

Moorey, P.R.S. 1997. Robert William Hamilton, 1905–1995. Proceedings of the British Academy 94: 491–509.

Phythian-Adams, W.J.T., 1924. Guide Book to the Palestine Museum of Antiquities. Jerusalem.

Silverman, N.A. 1982. Digging for God and Country. New York.

Thorenton, A. 2012. Tents, Tours, and Treks: Archaeologists, Antiquities Services, and Tourism in Mandate Palestine and Transjordan. Public Archaeology 11/4: 195–216.

5. Hebrew Beginnings: IES (1913), Hebrew University (1920), and the First Archaeologists

Barag, D. 1996. Judith Marquet-Krause – The First Excavator of Ai. Qadmoniyot 112: 118–119 (Hebrew).

Geva, H. 2013. The Israel Exploration Society in Changing Times. Qadmoniyot 145: 48–51 (Hebrew).

Goren, D. 2013. “Go, look over the land ... The Establishment of the Israel Exploration Society. Qadmoniyot 145: 2–11.

Shavit, Y. 1987. Truth Shall Spring Out of the Earth: The Development of Jewish Popular Interest in Archaeology in Eretz-Israel. Cathedra 44: 27–54 (Hebrew).

Sukenik, E.L. 1952. Twenty Five Years of Archaeology. In: Bentwich, N. ed. Hebrew University Garland: A Silver Jubilee Symposium, London: Constellation Books: 43–57.

6. The Zenith of Biblical Archaeology – The Figure of Albright

Albright, W.F. 1932. The Archaeology of Palestine and the Bible. New York.

Albright, W.F., 1936–37. The Excavation of Tell Beit Mirsim II: The Bronze Age, AASOR 17, New Haven: American Schools of Oriental Research. Albright, W.F. 1940. The Archaeology of Palestine. Penguin.

Albright, W.F. 1940. The Archaeology of Palestine. Penguin.

Burrows, M. 1957. What Mean These Stones? The Significance of Archeology for Biblical Studies. New York: Meridian Books.

Cline, E. 2009. Biblical Archaeology – A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Davis, M., 2008. Dame Kathleen Kenyon: Digging up the Holy Land, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press.

Dever, W.G. 1989. Yigael Yadin: Prototypical Biblical Archaeologist. EI 24: 44*–51*.

Dessel, J.P., 2002. Reading between the Lines: W.F. Albright “in” the Field and “on” the Field. NEA 65/1: 43–50.

Geva, Sh. 1992. Isreali Biblical Archaeology – the First Years. Zmanim 42: 92–102 (Hebrew).

Halotte, R. 2011. Before Albright. Charles Torrey, James Montgomery, and American Biblical Archaeology 1907–1922. NEAS 74: 156–169.

Hillers, D.R. 1985. Analyzing the Abominable: Our Understanding of Canaanite Religion. The Jewish Theological Quarterly 75/3: 253–269. [for Criticism:]

Long, B.O. 1997. Planting and Reaping Albright: Politics, Ideology, and Interpreting the Bible. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.

Machinist, P., 1996. William Foxwell Albright: The Man and His Work, in: J.S. Cooper and G.M. Schwartz eds. The Study of the Ancient Near East in the 21st Century. The William Foxwell Albright Centennial Conference. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns: 385–403.

Masalha, N. 2007. The Bible & Zionism: Invented Traditions, Archaeology and Post-Colonialism in Israel-Palestine. London: Zed Books.

Moorey, P.R.S. 1991. A Century of Biblical Archaeology. Louisville: Westminster.

Running, L.G., and Freedman, D.N. 1975. William Foxwell Albright. A Twentieth Century Genius. New York: Two Continents Publishing Group.

Schloen, J. Dd. 2002. W. F. Albright and the Origins of Israel. Near Eastern Archaeology 65/1: 56–62.

Silberman, N.A. 1993. Visions of the Future: Albright in Jerusalem, 1919–1929. Biblical Archaeologist 56: 8–16.

Sherrard, B. 2011. American Biblical Archaeologists and Zionism: The Politics of Historical Ethnography. PhD Thesis, Florida State University.

Sherrard, B. 2012. American Biblical Archaeology and Jewish Nationalism: Rabbi Nelson Glueck, the ASOR and the Israeli State. Holy Land Studies 11.2: 151–174.

Van Beek, G., 1984. W.F. Albright’s Contribution to Archaeology, in G. Van Beek (ed.), The Scholarship of William Foxwell Albright, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 61–73.

Wright, G.E. 1957. Biblical Archaeology. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

7. Early Israeli Archaeology (1948–1967)

Albright, W.F. 1970. The Phenomenon of Israeli Archaeology. In: J.A. Sanders, ed. Near Eastern Archaeology in the Twentieth Century. New York: Doubleday: 57–63.

Avi-Yonah, M. 1958. Ten Years of Archaeology in Israel. IEJ 8/1: 52–65.

Bar, D. 2004. Re-Creating Jewish Sanctity in Jerusalem: The Case of Mount Zion and David’s Tomb between 1948–1967. The Journal of Israeli History 23/2: 233–251.

Bar, Sh. 2015. Between Archaeology and Holiness … In Israel, 1948–1967. Cathedra 154: 137–162 (Hebrew).

Feige, M. 1997. Archaeology, Anthropology and the Development Town. Zion 63/4: 441–459 (Hebrew).

Katz, H., 2011. Ruth Amiran: A Biography, Haifa: Pardes (Hebrew).

Kersel, M. and Kletter, R. 2006. Heritage for Sale? A Case Study from Israel. Journal of Field Archaeology 31(3): 318–327.

Kletter, 2003. A Very General Archaeologist: Moshe Dayan and Israeli Archaeology, 1951–1981. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 4. www.jhsonline.org/

Kletter, R., 2006. Just Past? The Making of Israeli Archaeology, London: Equinox.

Kletter, R. 2008. Friends of Antiquities: The Story of an Israeli Volunteer Group and Comparative Remarks. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8: 2–20. http://www.jhsonline.org/Articles/article_79.pdf.

Kletter, R. 2014. Archaeological Voices from Jerusalem. In: E. Van der Steen, J. Boertien and N. Mulder-Hymans (eds.) Exploring the Narrative. Jerusalem and Jordan in the Bronze and Iron Ages. London: Bloomsbury: 394–427.

Mazar, B. 1952. Archaeology in the State of Israel. Biblical Archaeologist 15: 18–24.

Mazar, B. 1986. The Early Biblical Period: Historical Studies. Jerusalem: IES.

Silberman, N.A., 1993. A Prophet from Amongst You: The Life of Yigael Yadin: Soldier, Scholar, and Mythmaker, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Yadin, Y., 1972. Hazor: The Head of all Those Kingdoms (The Schweich Lectures). London: Oxford University.

Yadin, Y., et al. 1959. Hazor I: An Account of the First Season of Excavations 1955, Jerusalem: Magness Press.

Yadin, Y., et al. 1960. Hazor II. An Account of the Second Season of Excavation 1956, Jerusalem: Magness Press.

Yadin, Y., et al. 1961. Hazor III-IV: Plates, Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.

Yeivin, S. 1955. Archaeological Activities in Israel. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education and Culture.

Yeivin, Sh. 1958. A Year’s Work in Israel. Archaeology 11/4: 239–245.

Yeivin, Sh. 1960. A Decade of Archaeology in Israel 1948–1958. Istanbul: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Institut in Het Nabije Oosten.

8. Museums for Archaeology in Israel

Avitzur, Sh. 1967. Man and His Work Museum, Tel Aviv. Museum 20/1 (1967): 49–50.

Avitzur, Sh. 1976. Man and His Work. Historical Atlas of Tools and Workshops in the Holy Land. Jerusalem: Carta (Hebrew).

Azulay, A. 1993. With Open Doors: Museums for History in the Israeli Public Space. Theory and Criticism 4: 79–95 (Hebrew).

Bar-Or, G. 2010. Our Life Requires Art. Art Museums in the Kibbutzim, 1930–1960. Beersheva: Ben Gurion University (Hebrew).

Biran, A. 1967. Museums in Israel. Museum 20/1: 2–3.

Broshi, M. 1994. Archaeological Museums in Israel: Reflections on the Problem of National Identity. In: E.S. Kaplan, ed. Museums and the Making of Ourselves. London: Leicester University Press: 314–329.

Efron, Z. 1967. Museums in the Kibbutzim. Museum 20: 142–45.

Guzetti, Andrea. 2012. A Walk through the Past. Towards the Study of Archaeological Museums in Italy, Greece, and Israel. PhD. Diss. Bryn Mawr College.

Hestrin, Ruth. 1967. Local and Regional Museums. Museum 20/1: 34–37.

Inbar, Yehudit. 1992. The History of the Museums in Palestine until the Establishment of the State of Israel, as an Expression of the Zionist Vision. MA Thesis. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew).

Inbar, Y. and Shiller, E. 1995. Museums in Israel. Revised Edition (Ariel 72–74). Jerusalem: Ariel Publishing.

Kark, R. and Perry N. 2008. Museums and Multiculturalism in Israel. In: Maoz J. and Charney, I. eds. Themes in Israeli Geography 88-99. Special Issue of Horizons in Geography 70 (2008): 105–116.

Katriel, T. 2013. Performing the Past. A Study of Israeli Settlement Museums. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Kletter, R. 2015. A History of the Archaeological Museum of the State of Israel in Jerusalem, 1949–1965. Strata 33: 155–178.

Kletter, R. 2017. In: F.E. Greenspan, and G.A. Rendsburg eds., Le-ma‘an Ziony: Essays in Honor of Ziony Zevit. Eugene: Cascade Books: 77–115.

Rahmani, L.Y. and Larsen P. 1976. The Museums of Israel. New York: Rissoli.

Rosovsky, N. and Ungerleider-Mayerson, J. 1989. Museums of Israel. New York: Harry Abrams.

Shamir, O. 2011. Archaeological Exhibits in Israel. Ariel 194: 11–24.

Shamir, O. 2014. Regional Archaeological Museums and Exhibits in Israel. In: J. Legget ed., Regional Museums for Social Harmony. Beijing: Foreign Language Press: 156–63.

Sussman, V. and Reich, R. 1987. The History of the Rockefeller Museum. In: E. Schiller, ed. Zeev Vilnay Jubilee Volume. Jerusalem: Ariel Press (Hebrew): 83–92.

Tamir, T. 1990. The Israel Museum: from Dream to Fulfillment. Israel Museum Journal 9: 7–16.

9. Excavation Methods – Real and Mythical

Aharoni, Y., 1973a. Remarks on the ‘Israeli’ Method of Excavation, Eretz Israel 11, 48–53 (Hebrew).

Aharoni, Y., 1973b. Beer-Sheba I. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University.

Barkay, G., 1992. The Excavation Methods of K. Kenyon. Archeologya 3, 41–58 (Hebrew).

Barker, P., 1977. Techniques of Archaeological Excavations, London: Batsford.

Ben-Arieh, Y. 2000. Turkish Law of Archaeological Excavations in Eretz Israel, 1884. In: G. Barkay and E. Schiller (eds.), Landscapes of Israel. Azaria Alon Jubilee Volume. Jerusalem: Ariel: 277–282 (Hebrew).

Chapman, R.L., 1986. Excavation Techniques and Recording Systems: A Theoretical Study, PEQ 18, 5–26.

Dever, W.G., 1973. Two Approaches to Archaeological Method – the Architectural and the Stratigraphic. Eretz Israel 11, 1*-8*.

Kenyon, K. M., 1939. Excavation Methods in Palestine. PEQ 71: 29–40.

Kenyon, K.M., 1952 (2nd ed. 1961). Beginning in Archaeology, London: Phoenix House.

Levy, T. E., 1995. From Camels to Computers. A Short History of Archaeological Methods, Biblical Archaeology Review 21/4, 44–51, 64–65.

Prag, K., 1992. Kathleen Kenyon and Archaeology in the Holy Land, PEQ 124: 109–23.

Reisner, G. A., et al. 1924. Harvard Excavations at Samaria 1908–1910. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press.

Ussishkin, D., 2004. The Mound and Excavation Strategy, In: The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973–1994) Vol. I: The Bronze Age Stratigraphy and Architecture. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University: 23–49.

Wheeler, M., 1954. Archaeology from the Earth, Oxford: Clarendon.

Wright, G. E., 1969. Archaeological Method in Palestine – An American Interpretation, Eretz Israel 9: 125–29.

Wright, G. R. H., 1966. A Method of Excavation Common in Palestine.ZDPV 82, 113–24.

10. Development of Archaeological Legislation

Antiquities Authority Law. 1989. Antiquities Authority Law 5749. Sefer ha-Chukim 1283, 3.8.1989 (Hebrew). English translation: http://www.antiquities.org.il/Article_eng.aspx?sec_id=45&subj_id=220&id=250

Antiquities Law 1978. Antiquities Law 5738. Sefer Ha-Chukim 885, 10 February, 1978. (Hebrew); English Translation: http://www.antiquities.org.il/Article_eng.aspx?sec_id=42&subj_id=228&id=447

Antiquities Ordinance 1920, 1929. Antiquities Ordinance, 5th October, 1920. Official Gazette of the Government of Palestine 29: 4–16. Antiquities Ordinance No. 51, 31st December, 1929. Official Gazette of the overnment of Palestine 236: 548–554. Reprinted in: R.H. Drayton (ed.), The Laws of Palestine Vol. 1. London: Waterlow and Sons: 28–39.

Antiquities Regulations. 2001. Antiquities Regulations (Fees for giving Approval for Acts). Public Records – Capitularies (Kovetz Takanot) 2001: 484 (Hebrew).

Bentwich, N. and Goadby, F.M. 1924. The Antiquities Law of Palestine. Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law 6: 251–254.

Berman, S. 1987. Antiquities in Israel in a Maze of Controversy. Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 19: 343–360.

Birnhack, M.D. 2013. Mandatory Copyright: From pre-Palestine to Israel, 1910–2007. In: U. Suthersanen and Y. Gendreau (eds.). A Shifting Empire. 100 Years of the Copyright Act 1911. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar: 84–115.

Cohen, Y.P. 1949. Constitution for Israel: A Proposal and Explanations. Tel-Aviv: The State Council (Hebrew) (Available at: http://www.huka.gov.il/wiki/makor/20.pdf ).

Einhorn, T. 1997. Israeli Law, Jewish Law and the Archaeological Excavation of Tombs. International Journal of Cultural Property 6: 47–79.

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