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(in Polish) Zarządzanie różnorodnością w organizacji i przeciwdziałanie dyskryminacji

General data

Course ID: 2103-ORP-M-D2ZROP
Erasmus code / ISCED: 14.0 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (0310) Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined The ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) code has been designed by UNESCO.
Course title: (unknown)
Name in Polish: Zarządzanie różnorodnością w organizacji i przeciwdziałanie dyskryminacji
Organizational unit: Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Course groups: (in Polish) Organizowanie rynku pracy - DZIENNE II STOPNIA - 2 semestr 1 rok - przedmioty ob.
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 3.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: Polish
Type of course:

obligatory courses

Prerequisites (description):

The content of the subject is oriented towards the transfer of knowledge about the characteristics of diverse teams of employees and the resulting tasks for the management process in the organization. This issue has been a rich area of research for at least two decades, creating a strong empirical background for the formulation of diversity management strategies in business entities and public administration. The very concept of diversity is evolving under the conditions of globalization of the world of work and mass migration movements. Diversity management is an important instrument for counteracting employee discrimination, it also has a significant impact on the level of utilization of human capital and the creation of an organization's image. Thus, the description of the key categories that differentiate employees - gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, cultural identity - , discriminatory risks and practices, instruments of integration and interaction in the process of diversity management, and the effects (economic, social psychological, image) of this process will prepare students to analyze this problem, choose and apply appropriate methods of action for a given situation in future professional work.



Short description:

Diversity is an increasingly significant feature of modern labor resources. In addition to the classic factors of employee diversity in the organization, such as age and gender, cultural diversity is increasingly being added as a result of the globalization of the economy and increased migration. The diversity of human resources in an organization implies the need to analyze this issue from different research perspectives and to identify the theory and practice of diversity management. The subject proposes an overview of theories and practices of diversity management and analyzes the key criteria of employee identity, i.e. gender, age, cultural background. In conclusion, an attempt is made to synthesize the intended and unintended effects of diversity management in the organization, and recommendations are made to managers and executives.

Full description:

1.Introduction to the course, conditions for passing, division of tasks.

Module I: Theoretical aspects of the analysis of the problem of employee diversity

2. Diversity of the workforce; evolution of the interpretation of the term "diversity", factors of diversity - differentiated criteria. Key normative acts regulating employee diversity (international and national). Research currents of diversity. Identities of diverse employees. Diversity of employees as a resource of the organization.

3. Equality, equal treatment and discrimination as key terms in building an inclusive culture in an organization. On the controversy over equality in philosophical and normative interpretation. What is discrimination and what is not in employment and interpersonal relationship structures in an organization? Correlations between the stratification nature of the modern world of work and the equal status of the employee. Precariousness of employment and the risk of discrimination.

Module II: Analysis of selected dimensions of human resource diversity


4. Women in the economic activities of the modern world and Poland. Characteristics of basic indicators of women's labor force participation. Factors of unequal status of women in the world of work compared to men; structure of education, industry segmentation of the labor market - the viability of stereotypes, wage gap, entrepreneurship. Selected areas of research on gender workers in Polish science.

5. Women in the world of economic power; factors differentiating women's participation in management structures and differences in models of female and male leadership of teams of employees. Women's participation in structures of supreme economic power in the light of statistics. What is the human and social capital of women and to what extent its reception is used in organizations. What limits women's motivations for leadership positions

6. Determinants of women's integration into the world of work; individual, structural, cultural, political factors. The "network" deficit and its determinants as a barrier to advancement in economic power structures. How to create social capital to support women's career advancement; about the role of gender solidarity and openness to cooperation between men and women in organizational management.


7. Demographic factors - the aging of the population, the lengthening of human life and the increasing importance of the presence of the older generation in the labor market. Chronological age, subjective age, age as a social category. Generations of workers in the interpretation of the place and importance of older workers in the organization. Stereotypes and metastereotypes as factors shaping the status of older people in the organization.

8. 50+ population in the Polish labor market compared to EU countries. Activity inactivity, the presence of the 50+ generation in economic power structures. Discriminatory practices as a factor in the withdrawal of the elderly population from the labor market. Individual and structural determinants of the disintegration of the 50+ generation in the generational structure of the workforce. Social and economic consequences of the underutilization of the human capital of the 50+ generation.

9. Management of employees of different ages. Models of age management in the organization. Age management strategies in the experience of Poland and other countries. Factors differentiating the implementation of age management. Benefits of age management; individual, group, organization. Recommendations for strengthening the position of older people in Polish business entities.

Cultural diversity

10. Cultural diversity at the level of the organization; Dimensions of diversity- race, nationality, ethnic group, multiculturalism.... Research areas of employee cultural diversity. Approaches to managing cultural diversity in the organization. On the growing importance of cultural diversity of employees in shaping the work environment, economic benefits and corporate image.

11. Migration as a factor in changing the ethnic and cultural structure of employees. The impact of the diversity of migration policies in the modern world on the processes of accutation and assimilation of immigrants and their status in the world of work. (Migrant Integration Policy Index) Multiculturalism Policy Index) . Cultural Diversity as a Factor of Discrimination. A perspective on cultural diversity in the Polish world of work.

12. Discrimination vs. mobbing; mutual correlations and differences in the perception of discrimination in working conditions and interpersonal relations. The concept and manifestations of mobbing. The scale of the phenomenon in light of international and national statistics. The effects of mobbing and the effectiveness of employee redress.

Module III: Diversity management

13. Diversity management; objectives and practices of diversity management. Theoretical models of human resource diversity management in organizations. Effects of diversity at the individual, group and organizational levels. Effectiveness of workforce diversity practices; evaluation attempts

14. Conditions for equitable employee governance in a world of diverse workforce: opportunities, barriers and recommendations. Investigating claims of discrimination; laws, procedures, formal and informal barriers


Rekomended reading

luchna, M, Krrejner-Nowecka, A., Tomczyk, E., Własność Skarbu Państwa a obecność kobiet w radach nadzorczych, „Organizacja i kierowanie”, 1/2017

Andrejuk, K., Imigranci tureccy w Polsce. Percepcja różnic kulturowych w procesie adaptacji na rynku pracy, „Kultura i społeczeństwo” 64 (1) 2020.

Babiak, J, Bajcar, B., Borkowska, A., Kobiety i mężczyźni na stanowiskach menadżerskich – wyolbrzymione czy niedoszacowane różnice? „Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi”, 1 (114), 2017.

Bojanowska, A., Zarządzanie różnorodnością jako odpowiedź na potrzeby zróżnicowanego zespołu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemu różnego wieku pracowników, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi” 1/126 2019.

Broda-Wysocki P., Dylus, A., Pawlus, M., Dyskryminacja seniorów w Polsce. Diagnoza i przeciwdziałanie, Warszawa 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW.

Brdulak, H., Zarządzanie różnorodnością jako model biznesowy, „Kobieta i biznes”, 1-4 2009.

Brdulak, H., Czynnik kultury w ekonomii instytucjonalnej, „Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna”, 1(36), 2012.

Czerska, I., Pracownik 50+ w świetle badań własnych – analiza porównawcza, „Marketing i Zarządzanie”, 52 (2) 2018.

Firlit-Fesnak, G., Równe traktowanie i praktyki dyskryminacyjne w świecie pracy, w: Polityka społeczna, G. Firlit-Fesnak, J. Męcina (red.) Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018.

Firlit-Fesnak, G. Równe traktowanie i polityka antydyskryminacyjna, w: Współczesne społeczne wyzwania świata i Polski, J. Męcina, K. Szewior (red.) Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2021, s. 79-94.

Kłos, B., Szymańczak, J., Zasada równości i zasada niedyskryminacji, Studia BASF nr 2/2011.

Lubrańska, A., Dyskryminacja ze względu na wiek w aspekcie praktyk organizacyjnych i zarzadzania wiekiem, w: E. Dubas, A. Muszyński, Starość w nurcie życia, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2019.

Migration Integration Policy Index 2020,

Moczydłowska J.M., Menadżerowie w praktyce zarządzania różnorodnością pokoleniowa, wyniki badań, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi”, 2(127) 2019

Urbaniak, B., Polskie i brytyjskie doświadczenia w zarządzaniu starzejącymi się zasobami pracy, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi”, 69 (100), 2018.

Rakowska Anna, Różnorodność zasobów ludzkich; istota, dylematy, wyzwania, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2021

Rakowska A., Cichorzewska ,M., Dźwignia różnorodności instrumentem kształtowania inkluzyjnego miejsca pracy, „Ekonomika i organizacja Przedsiębiorstwa”, 7 2018.

Report on Gender Equality in the EU, 2021, Instytut ds. równości kobiet i mężczyzn (EIGE),

Skrzypek, E., Zarządzanie różnorodnością – stan i perspektywy rozwoju, „Problemy jakości „ 50(10) 2018.

Stankiewicz, K., Subiektywne postrzeganie różnorodności zespołu – perspektywa menagera. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzzanie, 150 /2017

Świadomość prawna w kontekście równego traktowania 2016, Raport dla Biura Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich, Kantar Public,

Społeczna percepcja dyskryminacji, w: Jakość życia i kapitał społeczny w Polsce. Wyniki Badania Spójności Społecznej 2018, GUS, Warszawa 2020

Trafiałek, E., Między ageizmem, bezpieczeństwem socjalnym a active ageing, Toruń 2016

Urbaniak, B., Polskie i brytyjskie doświadczenia w zarządzaniu starzejącymi się zasobami pracy, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi”, 69 (100), 2018.

Warwas, I., (red), Zarządzanie różnorodnością we Polsce, Łódź 2019.

Dokumenty normatywne:

Dyrektywa Rady 2000/43/WE z dnia 29 czerwca 2000 r. w sprawie stosowania zasady równego traktowania osób bez względu na pochodzenie rasowe lub etniczne (Dz. U. L 180 z 19.07.2000, art. 5);

Dyrektywa Rady 2000/78/WE z dnia 27 listopada 2000 r. ustanawiająca ogólne ramy równego traktowania w zakresie zatrudnienia i pracy (Dz. U. L 3003 z 02.12.2002, art. 7).

Ustawa z dn. 5 stycznia 2011 r. o zmianie ustawy Ordynacja wyborcza do Sejmu RP i do senatu etc. (Dz. U 20111 nr 34 poz. 172).

Ustawa z dnia 3 grudnia 2010 roku o wdrożeniu niektórych przepisów UE w zakresie równego traktowania, Dz. U. 2010 nr 254 poz. 1700

Konwencja ONZ w sprawie likwidacji wszelkich form dyskryminacji rasowej, (1966).DZ. U. z dnia 6 września 1969.

Kodeks pracy (Dz. U z 2018 roku, poz. 108).

Learning outcomes:

Knowledge - the student knows and understands:

- Theoretical categories used in the study and description of diversity in the organization and how to manage a diverse workforce structure

- The importance of respecting the principle of equal treatment and implementing the process of equality in the management of the organization

- Risk factors of employee discrimination, types and manifestations of discrimination

- Differences between employment discrimination and bullying

- Social and ethical effects of discrimination

- Instruments for counteracting discrimination in employment


Skills - a graduate can:

- Formulate, analyze and solve problems related to diversity management

- Design and conduct social research in the area of equal treatment and discrimination

- Present in oral and written form the results of own research

- Formulate conclusions and recommendations to improve diversity management and anti-discrimination

Social competence - the graduate is ready to:

- Respect the equal treatment of employees at work, including in the management process

- Critically address any manifestation of discrimination in their work environment

- Inspire actions that clarify the risk factors of discrimination

- Form attitudes of respect for the diversity of the organization's workforce

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Evaluation conditions

The class is a conversational one, including presentations of the basic content by the instructor, presentation of selected issues by students and group discussion.

Evaluation conditions:

1. Attendance and active participation in discussions around the topics of the class

2. Development of at least one essay or presentation on topics that expand the basic scope of the issues discussed

3. Oral exam at the end of the semester.

Classes in period "Summer semester 2023/24" (in progress)

Time span: 2024-02-19 - 2024-06-16
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Seminar, 30 hours more information
Coordinators: Grażyna Firlit-Fesnak
Group instructors: Grażyna Firlit-Fesnak
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - Grading
Seminar - Grading
Type of course:

obligatory courses



Short description:

Diversity is an increasingly significant feature of modern labor resources. In addition to the classic factors of employee diversity in the organization, such as age and gender, cultural diversity is increasingly being added as a result of the globalization of the economy and increased migration. The diversity of human resources in an organization implies the need to analyze this issue from different research perspectives and to identify the theory and practice of diversity management. The subject proposes an overview of theories and practices of diversity management and analyzes the key criteria of employee identity, i.e. gender, age, cultural background. In conclusion, an attempt is made to synthesize the intended and unintended effects of diversity management in the organization, and recommendations are made to managers and executives.

Full description:

1.Introduction to the course, conditions for passing, division of tasks.

Module I: Theoretical aspects of the analysis of the problem of employee diversity

2. Diversity of the workforce; evolution of the interpretation of the term "diversity", factors of diversity - differentiated criteria. Key normative acts regulating employee diversity (international and national). Research currents of diversity. Identities of diverse employees. Diversity of employees as a resource of the organization.

3. Equality, equal treatment and discrimination as key terms in building an inclusive culture in an organization. On the controversy over equality in philosophical and normative interpretation. What is discrimination and what is not in employment and interpersonal relationship structures in an organization? Correlations between the stratification nature of the modern world of work and the equal status of the employee. Precariousness of employment and the risk of discrimination.

Module II: Analysis of selected dimensions of human resource diversity


4. Women in the economic activities of the modern world and Poland. Characteristics of basic indicators of women's labor force participation. Factors of unequal status of women in the world of work compared to men; structure of education, industry segmentation of the labor market - the viability of stereotypes, wage gap, entrepreneurship. Selected areas of research on gender workers in Polish science.

5. Women in the world of economic power; factors differentiating women's participation in management structures and differences in models of female and male leadership of teams of employees. Women's participation in structures of supreme economic power in the light of statistics. What is the human and social capital of women and to what extent its reception is used in organizations. What limits women's motivations for leadership positions

6. Determinants of women's integration into the world of work; individual, structural, cultural, political factors. The "network" deficit and its determinants as a barrier to advancement in economic power structures. How to create social capital to support women's career advancement; about the role of gender solidarity and openness to cooperation between men and women in organizational management.


7. Demographic factors - the aging of the population, the lengthening of human life and the increasing importance of the presence of the older generation in the labor market. Chronological age, subjective age, age as a social category. Generations of workers in the interpretation of the place and importance of older workers in the organization. Stereotypes and metastereotypes as factors shaping the status of older people in the organization.

8. 50+ population in the Polish labor market compared to EU countries. Activity inactivity, the presence of the 50+ generation in economic power structures. Discriminatory practices as a factor in the withdrawal of the elderly population from the labor market. Individual and structural determinants of the disintegration of the 50+ generation in the generational structure of the workforce. Social and economic consequences of the underutilization of the human capital of the 50+ generation.

9. Management of employees of different ages. Models of age management in the organization. Age management strategies in the experience of Poland and other countries. Factors differentiating the implementation of age management. Benefits of age management; individual, group, organization. Recommendations for strengthening the position of older people in Polish business entities.

Cultural diversity

10. Cultural diversity at the level of the organization; Dimensions of diversity- race, nationality, ethnic group, multiculturalism.... Research areas of employee cultural diversity. Approaches to managing cultural diversity in the organization. On the growing importance of cultural diversity of employees in shaping the work environment, economic benefits and corporate image.

11. Migration as a factor in changing the ethnic and cultural structure of employees. The impact of the diversity of migration policies in the modern world on the processes of accutation and assimilation of immigrants and their status in the world of work. (Migrant Integration Policy Index) Multiculturalism Policy Index) . Cultural Diversity as a Factor of Discrimination. A perspective on cultural diversity in the Polish world of work.

12. Discrimination vs. mobbing; mutual correlations and differences in the perception of discrimination in working conditions and interpersonal relations. The concept and manifestations of mobbing. The scale of the phenomenon in light of international and national statistics. The effects of mobbing and the effectiveness of employee redress.

Module III: Diversity management

13. Diversity management; objectives and practices of diversity management. Theoretical models of human resource diversity management in organizations. Effects of diversity at the individual, group and organizational levels. Effectiveness of workforce diversity practices; evaluation attempts

14. Conditions for equitable employee governance in a world of diverse workforce: opportunities, barriers and recommendations. Investigating claims of discrimination; laws, procedures, formal and informal barriers


Recomended reading:

Zalecana lektura:

Aluchna, M, Krrejner-Nowecka, A., Tomczyk, E., Własność Skarbu Państwa a obecność kobiet w radach nadzorczych, „Organizacja i kierowanie”, 1/2017

Andrejuk, K., Imigranci tureccy w Polsce. Percepcja różnic kulturowych w procesie adaptacji na rynku pracy, „Kultura i społeczeństwo” 64 (1) 2020.

Babiak, J, Bajcar, B., Borkowska, A., Kobiety i mężczyźni na stanowiskach menadżerskich – wyolbrzymione czy niedoszacowane różnice? „Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi”, 1 (114), 2017.

Bojanowska, A., Zarządzanie różnorodnością jako odpowiedź na potrzeby zróżnicowanego zespołu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem problemu różnego wieku pracowników, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi” 1/126 2019.

Broda-Wysocki P., Dylus, A., Pawlus, M., Dyskryminacja seniorów w Polsce. Diagnoza i przeciwdziałanie, Warszawa 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW.

Brdulak, H., Zarządzanie różnorodnością jako model biznesowy, „Kobieta i biznes”, 1-4 2009.

Brdulak, H., Czynnik kultury w ekonomii instytucjonalnej, „Myśl Ekonomiczna i Polityczna”, 1(36), 2012.

Czerska, I., Pracownik 50+ w świetle badań własnych – analiza porównawcza, „Marketing i Zarządzanie”, 52 (2) 2018.

Firlit-Fesnak, G., Równe traktowanie i praktyki dyskryminacyjne w świecie pracy, w: Polityka społeczna, G. Firlit-Fesnak, J. Męcina (red.) Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018.

Firlit-Fesnak, G. Równe traktowanie i polityka antydyskryminacyjna, w: Współczesne społeczne wyzwania świata i Polski, J. Męcina, K. Szewior (red.) Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR, Warszawa 2021, s. 79-94.

Kłos, B., Szymańczak, J., Zasada równości i zasada niedyskryminacji, Studia BASF nr 2/2011.

Lubrańska, A., Dyskryminacja ze względu na wiek w aspekcie praktyk organizacyjnych i zarzadzania wiekiem, w: E. Dubas, A. Muszyński, Starość w nurcie życia, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2019.

Migration Integration Policy Index 2020,

Moczydłowska J.M., Menadżerowie w praktyce zarządzania różnorodnością pokoleniowa, wyniki badań, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi”, 2(127) 2019

Urbaniak, B., Polskie i brytyjskie doświadczenia w zarządzaniu starzejącymi się zasobami pracy, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi”, 69 (100), 2018.

Rakowska Anna, Różnorodność zasobów ludzkich; istota, dylematy, wyzwania, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2021

Rakowska A., Cichorzewska ,M., Dźwignia różnorodności instrumentem kształtowania inkluzyjnego miejsca pracy, „Ekonomika i organizacja Przedsiębiorstwa”, 7 2018.

Report on Gender Equality in the EU, 2021, Instytut ds. równości kobiet i mężczyzn (EIGE),

Skrzypek, E., Zarządzanie różnorodnością – stan i perspektywy rozwoju, „Problemy jakości „ 50(10) 2018.

Stankiewicz, K., Subiektywne postrzeganie różnorodności zespołu – perspektywa menagera. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzzanie, 150 /2017

Świadomość prawna w kontekście równego traktowania 2016, Raport dla Biura Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich, Kantar Public,

Społeczna percepcja dyskryminacji, w: Jakość życia i kapitał społeczny w Polsce. Wyniki Badania Spójności Społecznej 2018, GUS, Warszawa 2020

Trafiałek, E., Między ageizmem, bezpieczeństwem socjalnym a active ageing, Toruń 2016

Urbaniak, B., Polskie i brytyjskie doświadczenia w zarządzaniu starzejącymi się zasobami pracy, „Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi”, 69 (100), 2018.

Warwas, I., (red), Zarządzanie różnorodnością we Polsce, Łódź 2019.

Dokumenty normatywne:

Dyrektywa Rady 2000/43/WE z dnia 29 czerwca 2000 r. w sprawie stosowania zasady równego traktowania osób bez względu na pochodzenie rasowe lub etniczne (Dz. U. L 180 z 19.07.2000, art. 5);

Dyrektywa Rady 2000/78/WE z dnia 27 listopada 2000 r. ustanawiająca ogólne ramy równego traktowania w zakresie zatrudnienia i pracy (Dz. U. L 3003 z 02.12.2002, art. 7).

Ustawa z dn. 5 stycznia 2011 r. o zmianie ustawy Ordynacja wyborcza do Sejmu RP i do senatu etc. (Dz. U 20111 nr 34 poz. 172).

Ustawa z dnia 3 grudnia 2010 roku o wdrożeniu niektórych przepisów UE w zakresie równego traktowania, Dz. U. 2010 nr 254 poz. 1700

Konwencja ONZ w sprawie likwidacji wszelkich form dyskryminacji rasowej, (1966).DZ. U. z dnia 6 września 1969.

Kodeks pracy (Dz. U z 2018 roku, poz. 108).

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