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MS1-School pedagogic practice

General data

Course ID: 2300-NZ2-MS1-PW-PSz
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: MS1-School pedagogic practice
Name in Polish: MS1-Praktyka pedagogiczna w szkole
Organizational unit: Faculty of Education
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: (unknown)
Short description:


The diploma internship is a trial teachers’ work in classes I-III, it should provide knowledge and skills related to various aspects of the work of early childhood education.

Short description

The diploma internship goals: developing pedagogical reflection and creative attitude towards the situation of teaching and education in schools, improving the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practical actions, achieving efficiency in the design, planning, organizing and conducting classes using the method of project, documentation skills and evaluating their own work.

Full description:

Full Description

The diploma internship is a trial work as a teacher in classes I to III, it should acquaint various aspects of working in early education, in particular should enable students to:

develop pedagogical reflection, and creative attitude towards teaching in schools; improve the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practical actions; achieve efficiency in designing, planning, organizing and conducting classes using the method of projects; improve ability to document and evaluate their own work.

The content of the internship consists of:

1. Broadening knowledge about school documents: the constitution, educational program, prevention program, parents’ cooperation program, school evaluating system, the authority of school board and other rules which are obligatory at school

2. Learning skills and using school documentation: program, the schedule of material, daily lesson

3. Broadening knowledge about the rules of evaluating teachers’ work which derives from the plan of pedagogical supervision.

4. Performing duties of a teacher / and - the class teacher

5.Design, organization, conduction and evaluation of lessons with children in class. I-III, using the method of projects.

6. Analysis of the results of teacher’s observation and children’s work in classes where the internship takes place

7. Using activating methods and various forms of work with children to motivate them to learn.

8. Diagnosis and individualized work of children with special educational needs.

9. Broaden knowledge of cooperation with various institutions supporting the child’s development.

10. Evaluating knowledge, skills and behavior of children.

11. Analysis and solving educational problems in the classroom.

11. Acquired knowledge of organizing meetings and planning cooperation with parents.

12. Documenting their own work and evaluating new pedagogical competences using a variety of research tools.


Babiuch M., Jak współpracować z rodzicami trudnych uczniów?, 2005

Fisher R., Uczymy się uczyć, WSiP, 1999

Perry R., Teoria i praktyka. Proces stawania się nauczycielem, WSiP, 2000

Rudnik E., Moszyńska A., Owczarska B., Ja i mój uczeń pracujemy aktywnie. Przewodnik po metodach aktywizujących, Wyd. Jedność, 2010

Helm J.H., Katz J.G , Mali badacze. Metoda projektu w edukacji elementarnej, Wyd. CODN, 2003

Jarosz E., Wysocka E., Diagnoza psychopedagogiczna -podstawowe problemy i rozwiązania,

Wyd. Akademickie „Żak”, 2006

Włoch St., Włoch A., Diagnoza całościowa w edukacji przedszkolnej i wczesnoszkolnej,

Wyd. Akademickie „Żak”, 2009

Tripp D., Zdarzenia krytyczne w nauczaniu. Kształtowanie profesjonalnego osądu, WSiP 1996

Learning outcomes:

Student knows how to:

- use and prepare school documentation,

- Observe the work of the teacher and analyze the results of this observation,

- design, organize, conduct and evaluate classes, using the method projects

- use activating methods in the teaching process,

- diagnose and individualize work of children with special educational needs,

- evaluate the knowledge, skills and behavior of children,

- analyze and solve educational problems in the classroom.

- organize the process of cooperation with parents,

- evaluate and document their own work.

In terms of social competence, students:

- accomplish internship tasks in accurate and reliable ways

- are active and engaged in internship,

- work with teachers, other members of staff, and parents

- proceed in accordance to the principles and ethical and legal standards in teaching.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Methods and criteria of accomplishing

The internship is evaluated and accomplished by guardian of the Faculty based on internship documentation, opinions of primary school and students’ self-conclusion.

This course is not currently offered.
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