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Introduction to Media Studies

General data

Course ID: 3007-M1A2NM
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: Introduction to Media Studies
Name in Polish: Wprowadzenie do nauki o mediach
Organizational unit: Institute of Applied Polish Studies
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Polish
Type of course:

obligatory courses



Short description:

Media - the subject of the study of the media - are escaping subject, i.e., in the 21st century media are developing faster than studies about them. Nevertheless, the student of Polish language choosing a specialization in "Media Studies" should get to know the history of the media, the modern media market, the most important theories of the media, the concepts used by media studies, and effective methods of searching and analysis of sources in the world of information overproduction.

Full description:

The following subjects will be discussed:

- A brief history of the media (with particular emphasis on Polish media).

Subject matter and main issues of media studies. Problems with terminology. The term "new media". Prehistory of the mass media. A brief history of the press. The birth and development of advertising. The origins and development of the film. Radio. TV. The Internet. The role of technological breakthroughs in the history of the media. The impact of historical events and political history of the media.

- The perspective of the media at the beginning of the 21st century.

The organization and the types of media, corporations, interest groups, mechanisms which determine the media market. Types of media market research. Dependence of the media market on the declared needs of receivers. Types of classification of the contemporary media. Public and private media in Europe and outside Europe. Local, regional, national and global media. The principle of competition. The independence of the media and their political ambitions. The future of the media in the age of technological revolution. Integration processes of the media.

- The media in social communication.

The scope of social communication, its means and forms. Models of communication. What is “a media fact”. "Sociology of the media. Media and politics, communities, societies and global village. The concept and development of information society. The role of the media in economic development. The media and European integration and globalization. Language barriers. International legal regulations. The media and reality. Reaching the client through the media.

- From the recipient’s point of view.

The recipient of the new media space. Media reception studies and literature reception studies. Interactivity. The role of reception research in the evaluation of the media market. Characteristics of telemetry and other research surveys. Reader - the audience - the recipient - a participant in interactive media. Trends in development of interactivity. The changing role of Gatekeeper. The new audience. Media Psychology. Addiction to the media. The role of psychology in the shaping of the media market. The future of advertising in interactive media.

- Media and the prospects of culture.

What is “the audiovisual culture". Will the media development accelerate the end of art? The media and gaps in thinking. Aesthetics of the media. The media and art. Model of the aesthetic situation in multimedia art. The development of new media and the future of books, newspapers and film market. Threats to identity of the author, the recipient and the ontological status of work of art. The media as a subject of art and as a realization of a romantic utopia of arts synthesis.

- Development and the main problems of the Polish media in the near future.

Dependence of the Polish media on politics. Poland and the European media systems. Polish legal regulations. Supervisory institutions of the media (the National Broadcasting Council). The process of entering of international corporations onto the Polish market for. Condition of the local media in Poland. Polish Internet. The development of film industry. Development of Polish advertising and PR. Shaping the image of Poland in international relations.


Zbigniew Bauer, Dziennikarstwo wobec nowych mediów, Kraków 2009

Regina Brady, Edward Forrest, Richard Mizerski, Marketing w Internecie, Warszawa 2002

Wojciech Chyła, Kultura audiowizualna, Poznań 1999

John Condry, Karl Popper, Telewizja - zagrożenie dla demokracji, Warszawa 1996

Wojciech Cwalina, Telewizyjna reklama polityczna. Emocje i poznanie w kształtowaniu preferencji wyborczych, Lublin 2000

Dziennikarstwo i świat mediów. Red. Zbigniew Bauer, Edward Chudziński, Kraków 2000

Europejskie manifesty kina. Od Matuszewskiego do Dogmy. Antologia. Wybór, wstęp i oprac. Andrzej Gwóźdź, Warszawa 2002

Tomasz Goban-Klas, Media i komunikowanie masowe. Teorie i analizy prasy, radia, telewizji i Internetu, Warszawa-Kraków 2001

Maria Gołębiewska, Demontaż atrakcji. O estetyce audiowizualności, Gdańska 2003

Andrzej Gwóźdź, Obrazy i rzeczy. Film miedzy mediami, Kraków 1997

Małgorzata Hendrykowska, Kronika kinematografii polskiej 1895-1997, Poznań 1999

Tom Jeffrey (ed.), Film Business. A Handbook for Producers, Crows Nest 2006

Elżbieta Kindler-Jaworska, Przewodnik po telewizji cyfrowej, Warszawa 2000

Barbara Kita, Między przestrzeniami. O kulturze nowych mediów, Kraków 2003

Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Film - wideo - multimedia. Sztuka ruchomego obrazu w erze elektronicznej, Kraków 2002

Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Obrazy na wolności. Studia z historii sztuk medialnych w Polsce, Warszawa 1998

Tadeusz Kowalski, Bohdan Jung, Media na rynku. Wprowadzenie do ekonomiki mediów, Warszawa 2006

Michael Kunczik, Astrid Zipfel, Wprowadzenie do nauki o dziennikarstwie i komunikowaniu, Warszawa 2000

Agnieszka Kwasigroch, Edward Mikołajczyk, Czy wolno? Warszawa 2005

Marshall McLuhan, Zrozumieć media. Przedłużenia człowieka, Warszawa 2004

Lustra i krzywe zwierciadła. Społeczne konteksty kina i telewizji. Red. Konrad Klejsa i Grzegorz Skonieczko, Kraków 2002

Denis McQuail, Teoria komunikowania masowego, Warszawa 2008

Media. Red. Edyta Banaszkiewicz-Zygmunt, Warszawa 2000 (Leksykon PWN)

Media a integracja europejska. Red. Teresa Sasińska-Klas i Agnieszka Hess, Kraków 2004

Media - komunikacja - biznes elektroniczny. Red. Bohdan Jung, Warszawa 2001

Media masowe w systemach demokratycznych. Teoretyczne problemy i praktyczny wymiar komunikowania politycznego. Red. Bogusława Dąbek-Ostrowska, Wrocław 2003

Bolesław Michałek, Film - sztuka w ewolucji, Warszawa 1975

James Monaco, How to Read a Film. The Wolrd of Moovies, Media, and Multimedia, New York-Oxford 2001

Nowe media w komunikacji społecznej w XX wieku. Antologia. Red. Maryla Hopfinger, Warszawa 2002

Beata Ociepka, Komunikowanie międzynarodowe, Wrocław 2002

Pejzaże audiowizualne. Telewizja - wideo - komputer. Wybór, wstęp i oprac. Andrzej Gwóźdź, Kraków 1997

Piękno w sieci. Estetyka a nowe media. Red. Krystyna Wilkoszewska, Kraków 1999

Przyszłość Mediów. Almanach. Z. 1: Materiały z konferencji "Czy media publiczne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej mają przyszłość? i seminarium "Przyszłość mediów: zagrożenia". Red. Krzysztof Kopczynski i Dorota Roszkowska, Warszawa 2002

Byron Reeves, Clifford Nass, Media i ludzie, Warszawa 2000

Giovanni Sartori, Homo videns. Telewizja i post-myślenie, Warszawa 2005

Myrl A. Schreibman, The Indie Producer's Handbook. Creative Producing From A To Z, Los Angeles 2001

Jacques Semelin, Wolność w eterze, Lublin 1999

Wojciech Siesicki, Telemetria, Warszawa 2000

Słownik wiedzy o mediach. Red. Edward Chudziński, Warszawa 2007

Pierre Sorlin, Mass media, Wrocław 2001

Ewa Szczęsna, Poetyka reklamy, Warszawa 2001

Tomasz Teluk, Polacy a cyfryzacja, Warszawa 2009

John B. Thompson, Media i nowoczesność. Społeczna teoria mediów, Wrocław 2001

Transformacja systemów medialnych w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej po 1989 roku. Red. Bogusława Dąbek-Ostrowska, Wrocław 2002

Jerzy Uszyński, Telewizyjny pejzaż genologiczny, Warszawa 2004

W świecie mediów. Red. Ewelina Nurczyńska-Fidelska, Kraków 2001

Patricia Wallace, Psychologia Internetu, Warszawa 2001

Widzieć, myśleć, być. Technologie mediów. Wybór, wstęp i oprac. Andrzej Gwóźdź, Kraków 2001

Wiek ekranów. Przestrzenie kultury widzenia. Red. Andrzej Gwóźdź i Piotr Zawojski, Kraków 2002

ks. Tadeusz Zasępa, Media-człowiek-społeczeństwo. Doświadczenie europejsko-amerykańskie, Częstochowa 2002

Zbigniew Rybczyński - podróżnik do krainy niemożliwości. Wokół twórczości Zbigniewa Rybczyńskiego. Red. Zbigniew Benedyktowicz, Warszawa 1993

Learning outcomes:

After completing the course the student will be able to:

- describe the media market with the use of different criteria and research methods

- provide a short history of the media

- distinguish and characterize different patterns of communication and media theories

- distinguish and characterize media technologies, understand the principle of convergence

- use the information provided by the media and analyze them critically

- use tools to discover new trends in media

- understand the relationship between media, politics and business

- describe the relationship between media and culture

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

The credit is given for the presence at lectures and a mark in a final test in a form of a written essay.

This course is not currently offered.
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