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(in Polish) Seminarium doktoranckie - Past for Present

General data

Course ID: 3700-ISDNK-SEMS9
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: (unknown)
Name in Polish: Seminarium doktoranckie - Past for Present
Organizational unit: Faculty of "Artes Liberales"
Course groups: (in Polish) Przedmioty oferowane doktorantom W "AL" UW
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: (unknown)
Type of course:

Ph. D. seminars

Short description:

W roku akademickim 2020-2021 seminaria sekcyjne trwają 18 godzin (6 spotkań trzygodzinnych). Seminaria sekcji „Past for Present” odbywać się będą w piątki, w godzinach od 12 do 14.30 w następujących terminach: 6 listopada, 4 grudnia, 15 stycznia, 5 lutego, 12 marca, 9 kwietnia.

Full description:

Propozycje tematów seminariów na podstawie sugestii i oczekiwań Doktorantów:

Wokół kategorii przestrzeni

6 listopada 2020

1. Kategoria „przestrzeni” w literaturze. Porównanie dwóch tekstów poruszających ten temat na przykładzie dzieł Kochanowskiego:

T. Michałowska, Kochanowskiego poetyka przestrzeni, w: taż, Poetyka i poezja. Studia i szkice staropolskie, Warszawa 1982;

J. Niedźwiedź, Poeta i mapa. Jan Kochanowski a kartografia XVI wieku, Kraków 2019;

K. Gieba, Zwroty ku przestrzeni w badaniach literackich - próba uporządkowania pojęć i podstawowe rozróżnienia, “Przestrzenie Teorii” 23, Poznań 2015.

Moderator: Prof. Paweł Stępień

4 grudnia 2020

2. Semantyka lasu w kulturze europejskiej - dzikiego, jak i "cywilizowanego", podległego człowiekowi. Symbolika drzew.

Problematyka seminarium:

Symbolika drzew i lasu w kulturze w kulturze europejskiej i kulturach pozaeuropejskich. Drzewo jako motyw mitologiczny i religijny. Metaforyka lasu i symbolika drzew w różnych kulturach europejskich i w różnych epokach. Drzewo w Biblii. Drzewo w judaizmie. Drzewo życia w sztuce. Symbolika krzyża i symbolika drzewa. Las: gaj, matecznik, puszcza, bór, dżungla. Las jako znak zagubienia, chaosu i jako symbol pierwotności.

Wstępny spis literatury:

C. G. Jung, Archetypy i symbole. Pisma wybrane, przeł. J. Prokopiuk, Warszawa 1993.

Las w kulturze polskiej, t. I, red. W. Łysiak, Poznań 2000.

A. Samsonowicz, Łowiectwo w Polsce Piastów i Jagiellonów, Wrocław 1991.

Staropolska poezja ziemiańska. Antologia, oprac. J. S. Gruchała, S. Grzeszczuk, Warszawa 1988.

D. Dybek, Las u Wacława Potockiego. Między naturą a kulturą, “Pamiętnik Literacki” 2008, nr 1.

E. Grzęda, Funkcja i estetyka motywów drzewa i lasu w twórczości Juliusza Słowackiego, Wrocław 2000.

D. Sołowiej, Symbolika lasu, puszczy, gaju, matecznika i łowów w twórczości Juliusza Słowackiego (“Biesiada” 2003 - tekst dostępny w internecie).

Przebieg seminarium:

Wystąpienie Mgr M. Piekarskiej - zarys kontekstów istotnych dla pracy doktorskiej związanych z semantyką lasu i drzew.

Wprowadzenie do dyskusji - MK.

Wypowiedzi uczestników seminarium - prezentacja wybranych przykładów.

Moderator: Prof. Maria Kalinowska

15 stycznia 2021

3. Semantyka ogrodu w kulturze europejskiej.

Propozycja Prof. Aliny Nowickiej – Jeżowej:

a. Teksty literackie:

Biblia. Księga Genesis; Pieśń nad Pieśniami

Guillaume de Lorris i Jean de Meun Powieść o Róży, przekład M. Frankowskiej-Terleckiej i T. Giermak-Zielinskiej, PIW< Warszawa 1997, Biblioteca Mundi.

Lodovico Ariosto, Orland szalony, przeł. Piotr Kochanowski, wyd. R. Pollak, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1965.

Torquato Tasso-Piotr Kochanowski, Jerozolima wyzwolona, przeł. Piotr Kochanowski, wyd. R. Pollak, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wrocław 1951.

Giambattista Marino, Adon,

Wespazjan Kochowski, Ogród Panieński pod sznur wymierzony, 1681; nowa edycja R. Mazurkiewicza i W. Pawlaka

Stanisław Trembecki, Sofijówka, wyd. J. Snopek, Warszawa 2000, BPPO

b. Ikonografia w zakresie epok, do których należą omawiane teksty.

3.3. Zagadnienia do dyskusji

- archetyp ogrodu

- ogród jako natura naturata versus las jako natura naturans

- ogród jako miejsce miłości (konotacje ideowe i filozoficzne: naturalizm, hedonizm, sensualizm)

- topos ogrodu w diachronii literatury europejskiej

- alegoreza ogrodu - erotyczna i religijna

- historia ogrodu – historia piękna

c. Przebieg seminarium:

Wprowadzenie ANJ

Wypowiedzi ukierunkowujące: dr hab. A. Jakóbczyk-Gola. Mgr Tadeusz Rubik

Interpretacje tekstów: Doktoranci


d. Literatura przedmiotu (Wybrane fragmenty!)

E.R. Curtius, Literatura europejska i lacińskie średniowiecze, Universitas, Kraków 1: 1997.(Rozdział VI)

P. Hobhouse, Historia ogrodów, Arkady, Warszawa 2005, 2007.

A. Jakóbczyk-Gola, Gabinety i ogrody, Muzeum Historii Polski, Warszawa 2019.

K. Krawiec-Złotkowska, Na początku był ogród… Wirydarze w polskiej poezji barokowej na tle kultury dawnej Europy, Słupsk-Wejherowo 2017.

J. Pelc, Ogrody jako miejsca szczęśliwe, „Barok. Historia – Literatura – Sztuka”, 1997, 4/1 (7)

R. Przybylski, Ogrody romantyków, Kraków 1978.

J.M. Rymkiewicz, Myśli różne o ogrodach, Warszawa 1968, 2010.

Moderator: Prof. Alina Nowicka-Jeżowa

Wokół kategorii czasu

5 lutego 2021

4. Kategoria pamięci w badaniach humanistycznych.

Badania nad pamięcią i wizje pamięci w kulturze.

Literatura [propozycje Prof. J. Sujeckiej:]

A. Assmann, Przestrzenie pamięci. Formy i przemiany pamięci kulturowej, w: M. Saryusz-Wolska (red.), Pamięć zbiorowa i kulturowa: współczesna perspektywa niemiecka, Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków 2009, s. 101–142.

J. Assmann, Pamięć kulturowa: Pismo, zapamiętywanie i polityczna tożsamość w cywilizacjach starożytnych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2008.

M. Csáky, Pamięć transnarodowa – fenomen hybrydyczny? Kultura jako przestrzeń komunikacji, w: R. Traba, H. Henning, M. Górny i K. Kończal (red.), Polsko-niemieckie miejsca pamięci, t. IV: Refleksje metodologiczne, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2013, s. 30–46.

P. Ricoeur, Pamięć, historia, zapominanie, Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków 2006.

J.Sujecka, Bałkańskie miejsca pamięci. Pojęcie Macedonii w bułgarskiej i macedońskiej czasoprzestrzeni kulturowej, „Borussia” 37, 2006 s. 76 – 88.

B. Szacka, Czas przeszły, pamięć, mit, Wydawnictwo Naukowe „Scholar”, Warszawa 2006.

A. Szpociński, Miejsca pamięci, „Borussia” 29, Olsztyn 2003, s.17-23.

A. Assmann, Cultural Memory and Western Civilization: Functions, Media, Archives, Cambridge 2012.

Moderator: Prof. Jolanta Sujecka

12 marca 2021

5. Koncepcja postpamięci, tj. pamięci drugiego pokolenia traumy, którą wprowadziła Marianne Hirsch w książce The Generation of Postmemory (rozwiniętej w polskim tomie pod red. Teresy Szostek, Romy Sendyki i Ryszarda Nycza Od pamięci biodziedzicznej do postpamięci, Warszawa 2013).

Literatura zaproponowana przez Panią Prof. Shoshanę Ronen:

• Marianne Hirsch, Surviving Images: “Holocaust Photographs and the Work of Postmemory,” The Yale Journal of Criticism, vol. 14, no. 1 (2001); 5-37

• Marianne Hirsch, “The Generation of Postmemory”, Poetics Today, 29:1, (2008), 103-128,

• Marianne Hirsch, The Generation of Postmemory: Writing and Visual Culture after the Holocaust. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012.

• Winter, Jay. ―The Generation of Memory. Reflections on the Memory Boom in Contemporary Historical Studies.‖ Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (Washington DC) nr 27 (2000): 69–92.

• Berliner, David. ―The Abuses of Memory: Reflections on the Memory Boom in Anthropology. Anthropological Quarterly 78, nr 1 (2005): 197–211.

• Zerubavel, Yael. ―The ‗Mythological Sabra‘ and Jewish Past: Trauma, Memory, and Contested Identities.‖ Israel Studies 7, nr 2 (2002): 115–144.

• Ofer, Dalia. ―History, Memory and Identity. Perceptions of the Holocaust in Israel. Jews in Israel. Contemporary Social and Cultural Patterns, red. Uzi Rebhun i Chaim I. Waxman, 394–417. Hannover and London: Brandeis University Press, 2004.

Moderator: Prof. Shoshana Ronen

9 kwietnia 2021

6. Kategoria "doświadczenia" w historii i historiografii.

M. Shanks, (1992). Experiencing the past: on the character of archaeology. Psychology Press oraz Ankersmit, F. (2004). Narracja, reprezentacja, doświadczenie: Studia z teorii historiografii (red. E. Domańska). Universitas.

Propozycja Dra Dr Michał Choptianego: „Do kwestii archeologicznej proponowałbym albo tekst zahaczający o kwestie związane z pamięcią i ucieleśnieniem, albo fragment klasycznej pozycji poświęconej poznaniu ucieleśnionemu F. Vareli, E. Thompsona i E. Rosch The Embodied Mind, London 1993.”

Moderatorzy: Prof. Jan Kieniewicz, Prof. Roksana Chowaniec, Dr Michał Choptiany


1. The seminar will consist in two types of meetings:

A/ The main portion of the seminar meetings will be devoted to the presentations by each of the PhD students devoted to the topics of their particular dissertations.

Each of the PhD students will be invited to present a text dealing with his or her dissertation. Newly written parts of the dissertations are preferred for presentations. However, especially at the beginning of the academic year, students can present samples of previously generated scholarship (articles submitted for publication or conference papers), provided that they pertain to the topic of their dissertation. This presentation will be the starting point of a discussion pertaining both to the research problems specific for the dissertation itself, as well as reaching beyond it, towards scholarly questions that are pertinent for the section as a whole.

One month in advance of the seminar meeting, the presenter slotted for that day should inform the members of the seminar about the topic of his or her presentation and provide them with general information regarding the necessary bibliographical sources. Two weeks in advance of the seminar meeting, the presenter should send his or her text to all the members of the seminar, along with suggested additional readings. The seminar meeting will start with a short presentation of the main issues pertinent to the text already sent. All materials should be shared with all the members of the section (professors, fellow students), as well as other people who will be willing to attend a given seminar meeting.

We are planning for two presentations by each of the PhD students during the academic year. Each presentation will be followed by a response („koreferat”) by another PhD student from our section.

The seminar meeting is moderated by two people: both of the presenter’s PhD Advisors or one of the PhD Advisors and another faculty from our Program.

Here is a tentative plan of a seminar meeting, which can be modified according to the preferences of the moderators of a given meeting:

1. The professors who moderate the meeting sketch the research problems that will be the object of the seminar discussion, paying special attention to their interdisciplinary aspects.

2. The presenter makes his or her presentation, which will be a short version of the texts shared in advance. The presentation should highlight the thesis and the research questions. Handouts with quotations are strongly recommended.

3. The members of the section will make their contributions to the presenter’s research, thanks to their knowledge of the bibliography and their reading of the full text of the presentation that were provided beforehand.

4. Possible contribution by an expert invited for the occasion.

5. Questions and remarks by guests coming from other sections.

6. General discussion, based on the bibliography.

B/ The second type of seminar meetings (the number of which will depend on the final number of students in the section after the September admission process) will be devoted to the discussion of scholarly studies that are pertinent to the overall Program or particularly important for the individual research of the students in this section. Those studies will be freely chosen by the members of the section in charge of the preparation of a given seminar meeting.

Each of such meetings will be prepared by two PhD students who will invite one of the professors of the Program to collaborate, or by a professor who will invite two PhD students to collaborate on the preparation and the moderation of the seminar meeting. The seminar meeting will be conducted according to the preferences of the three people in charge or its organization: it may rely on a pairing of presentations, a critical assessment, a discussion with the invited author, etc.

It is advisable that such seminar meeting highlights the methodological orientation of the study under discussion, its importance for the discipline or the individual research of the members of the section, as well as its potential for interdisciplinary research. Individual assessments of the study under discussion should also be expressed. All the members of the seminar should have read the text to be discussed in its entirety or in the portion previously designated by the moderators of the meeting.

2. All the seminar meetings will be recorded. After each meeting, one designated PhD student will post on the website of the Program a short information regarding the problems under discussion during the meeting in order to foster a further discussion.

3. The syllabus with the plan of the sectional seminar, along with the readings will be posted on the Moodle page of section. All PhD students are invited to chose a date and provide a topic of their presentation by the end of September. The calendar of seminar presentations will be posted on the web page of the section.

4. The design of the seminar meetings of this section aims at fostering the individual research of each PhD student and at building a learning community based on teamwork and the achievement of individual research goals.

5. The seminars will be conducted in Polish, unless the needs of the Participants require that English is used. All written materials (student papers, proposed readings) should be provided in Polish or English.

Learning outcomes:

1. The seminar will consist in two types of meetings:

A/ The main portion of the seminar meetings will be devoted to the presentations by each of the PhD students devoted to the topics of their particular dissertations.

Each of the PhD students will be invited to present a text dealing with his or her dissertation. Newly written parts of the dissertations are preferred for presentations. However, especially at the beginning of the academic year, students can present samples of previously generated scholarship (articles submitted for publication or conference papers), provided that they pertain to the topic of their dissertation. This presentation will be the starting point of a discussion pertaining both to the research problems specific for the dissertation itself, as well as reaching beyond it, towards scholarly questions that are pertinent for the section as a whole.

One month in advance of the seminar meeting, the presenter slotted for that day should inform the members of the seminar about the topic of his or her presentation and provide them with general information regarding the necessary bibliographical sources. Two weeks in advance of the seminar meeting, the presenter should send his or her text to all the members of the seminar, along with suggested additional readings. The seminar meeting will start with a short presentation of the main issues pertinent to the text already sent. All materials should be shared with all the members of the section (professors, fellow students), as well as other people who will be willing to attend a given seminar meeting.

We are planning for two presentations by each of the PhD students during the academic year. Each presentation will be followed by a response („koreferat”) by another PhD student from our section.

The seminar meeting is moderated by two people: both of the presenter’s PhD Advisors or one of the PhD Advisors and another faculty from our Program.

Here is a tentative plan of a seminar meeting, which can be modified according to the preferences of the moderators of a given meeting:

1. The professors who moderate the meeting sketch the research problems that will be the object of the seminar discussion, paying special attention to their interdisciplinary aspects.

2. The presenter makes his or her presentation, which will be a short version of the texts shared in advance. The presentation should highlight the thesis and the research questions. Handouts with quotations are strongly recommended.

3. The members of the section will make their contributions to the presenter’s research, thanks to their knowledge of the bibliography and their reading of the full text of the presentation that were provided beforehand.

4. Possible contribution by an expert invited for the occasion.

5. Questions and remarks by guests coming from other sections.

6. General discussion, based on the bibliography.

B/ The second type of seminar meetings (the number of which will depend on the final number of students in the section after the September admission process) will be devoted to the discussion of scholarly studies that are pertinent to the overall Program or particularly important for the individual research of the students in this section. Those studies will be freely chosen by the members of the section in charge of the preparation of a given seminar meeting.

Each of such meetings will be prepared by two PhD students who will invite one of the professors of the Program to collaborate, or by a professor who will invite two PhD students to collaborate on the preparation and the moderation of the seminar meeting. The seminar meeting will be conducted according to the preferences of the three people in charge or its organization: it may rely on a pairing of presentations, a critical assessment, a discussion with the invited author, etc.

It is advisable that such seminar meeting highlights the methodological orientation of the study under discussion, its importance for the discipline or the individual research of the members of the section, as well as its potential for interdisciplinary research. Individual assessments of the study under discussion should also be expressed. All the members of the seminar should have read the text to be discussed in its entirety or in the portion previously designated by the moderators of the meeting.

2. All the seminar meetings will be recorded. After each meeting, one designated PhD student will post on the website of the Program a short information regarding the problems under discussion during the meeting in order to foster a further discussion.

3. The syllabus with the plan of the sectional seminar, along with the readings will be posted on the Moodle page of section. All PhD students are invited to chose a date and provide a topic of their presentation by the end of September. The calendar of seminar presentations will be posted on the web page of the section.

4. The design of the seminar meetings of this section aims at fostering the individual research of each PhD student and at building a learning community based on teamwork and the achievement of individual research goals.

5. The seminars will be conducted in Polish, unless the needs of the Participants require that English is used. All written materials (student papers, proposed readings) should be provided in Polish or English.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Will be evaluated:

a. The assiduity in participating in all seminar meetings,

b. The performance in completing the assignments,

c. The active participation in the seminar discussion; the capacity to clearly formulate and rationally justify one’s position in the debate as well as the capacity to modify one’s position following the academic debate.

d. The capacity for collaborative work

e. The progress made in one’s own doctoral research.

This course is not currently offered.
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