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The basic concepts of law

General data

Course ID: 4003-111-c-kpe
Erasmus code / ISCED: 10.0 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (unknown)
Course title: The basic concepts of law
Name in Polish: Podstawowe pojęcia prawa
Organizational unit: Centre for Europe
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Polish
Type of course:

obligatory courses



Short description:

The course is aimed at delivering information about basic law

notions present in the private law of the European Union.

Full description:

The course is aimed at delivering information about basic law notions present in the private law of the European Union, which have their origin in Roman Law. Awareness of the roots of European law notions will certainly help to understand the reasons of differences and similarities between the legal systems of various European countries.

During this course students should gain basic information about Roman as well as Canon Law. What it is even more they will have the opportunity to see that common tradition can be foundation of mutual understanding in the future.

1. The role of Roman Law in the history of law in Europe. Sources of law. Classifications of law.

2. Hierarchy of the sources of law in Roman law and today.

3. System of law and interpretation. Observance of law and its application.

4. Family. Agnate and cognate kinship; how to calculate blood relationship.

5. Legal capacity. Capacity to legal transaction.

6. Basic notions concerning acts in law. Condition and time limit.

7. Ownership. Different types of acquisition of property. Protection of ownership, possession. The limited property rights.

8. The law of succession. Testamentary and intestate succession. Legitimate portion and legacy.

9. Testament and its content. Legacies.

10. The law of obligations. Different types of obligations.

11. Contracts – short characteristics. Contracts in Roman Law and the doctrine of freedom of contract.

12. The concept of tort. Liability based on fault and liability based on risk.

13. Performance of obligations. Preliminary contract, forfeit.

14. Fundamental principles of civil procedure.

15. Test.

Student's workload:

classes - 30 h

preparation to the classes and exam 30 h

altogether - 60 h


Selected paragrafs of the handbook - W. Wołodkiewicz, M. Zabłocka, Prawo rzymskie. Instytucje, wyd. 5, Warszawa 2009.

Selected paragrafs of the handbook K. Sójka-Zielińska, Historia prawa, wyd. 10, Warszawa 2005 (related to the canonic law).

W. Dajczak, Prawo rzymskie a rozwój europejskiego prawa prywatnego, [w:] Poszukiwanie Europy. Zjazd gnieźnieńskim a idea zjednoczonej Europy, Poznań 2000, s. 43-54;

W. Dajczak, Znaczenie tradycji prawa rzymskiego dla europejskiej harmonizacji prawa prywatnego, Państwo i Prawo, R.59, 2004 z.2 s. 57-68.

W. Dajczak, Poszukiwanie "wspólnego rdzenia" prawa prywatnego w Europie, Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne 56, 2004 z. 2, s. 383-392.

Learning outcomes:

After the course students should:

- show basic institutions of European law which stem from Roman law

- know basic rules of law-making and interpretation of law

- understand following concepts: act in law, legal personality, legal capacity and capacity for legal actions

- know different forms of property using

- know main types of contracts

- be able to analyze facts of the case and show how to find proper solution of the conflict

- count degrees of blood relationship

- define concepts: time limit and condition

- understand term “Canon law”

- show influence of Roman law and Canon law on European countries’ legal systems .

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Written exam during the end-of-term examinations. Final grade depends on the results of each part of the exam – it is necessary to obtain more than 50% of points to pass the exam.

This course is not currently offered.
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