Uniwersytet Warszawski - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Seminarium doktoranckie - Art and Philosophy

Informacje ogólne

Kod przedmiotu: 3700-ISDNK-SEMS4
Kod Erasmus / ISCED: (brak danych) / (brak danych)
Nazwa przedmiotu: Seminarium doktoranckie - Art and Philosophy
Jednostka: Wydział "Artes Liberales"
Grupy: Przedmioty oferowane doktorantom W "AL" UW
Punkty ECTS i inne: (brak) Podstawowe informacje o zasadach przyporządkowania punktów ECTS:
  • roczny wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się dla danego etapu studiów wynosi 1500-1800 h, co odpowiada 60 ECTS;
  • tygodniowy wymiar godzinowy nakładu pracy studenta wynosi 45 h;
  • 1 punkt ECTS odpowiada 25-30 godzinom pracy studenta potrzebnej do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się;
  • tygodniowy nakład pracy studenta konieczny do osiągnięcia zakładanych efektów uczenia się pozwala uzyskać 1,5 ECTS;
  • nakład pracy potrzebny do zaliczenia przedmiotu, któremu przypisano 3 ECTS, stanowi 10% semestralnego obciążenia studenta.

zobacz reguły punktacji
Język prowadzenia: polski
Rodzaj przedmiotu:

seminaria doktoranckie

Skrócony opis:

As in the previous year, the seminar will focus on three goals: (1) Assisting students in the work on their dissertation projects; (2) Deepening the understanding of the interdisciplinary character of each project; (3) Fostering co-operation and understanding between students and faculty.

Pełny opis:

TAs in the previous year, the seminar will focus on three goals: (1) Assisting students in the work on their dissertation projects; (2) Deepening the understanding of the interdisciplinary character of each project; (3) Fostering co-operation and understanding between students and faculty.

The seminar will take place on selected Fridays between December 2020 and May 2021 and will consist of six three-hour (3x45min) meetings. The first meeting will focus on the the different ways (research) problems are understood and framed in various disciplines. The other five meetings will include student presentations of specific problems they have encountered during their own research and an attempt to understand and solve this problem in an interdisciplinary fashion. The details of this assignment will be explained below.

The seminars will be conducted in Polish, unless the needs of the Participants require that English is used. All written materials (student papers, proposed readings) should be provided in Polish or English.

Meeting Schedule and Subjects

December 11, 12.00-14.15 – The nature of problems in various disciplines. Readings proposed by Faculty.

January 8, 12.00-14.15 – Student presentation

February 26, 12.00-14.15 – Student presentation

March 19, 12.00-14.15 – Student presentation

April 16, 12.00-14.15 – Student presentation

May 14, 12.00-14.15 – Student presentation


(1) Before the end of October, each student will choose the seminar during which he or she will be presenting their problem. The preference should be sent to the Head of the Seminar at k.skonieczny@al.uw.edu.pl and will be honored on a first come, first served basis.

(2) At least one month before each presentation, the student will formulate their problem and seek out the help of one other student (“student advisor”) and one faculty member who is not their PhD advisor. Those persons should be chosen in such a manner that the problem receives adequate and interdisciplinary treatment. After obtaining the consent of the faculty member, the student then informs the Head of the Seminar about the formation of the group. Each student should play each role (presenter and advisor) once during the year.

(3) The student, aided by the other members of the group, chooses an appropriate text (or other materials) which will help the other seminar participants prepare for addressing the problem at hand. The text may be, for example, a part of the dissertation where the problem is presented or a theoretical appraisal of a similar problem encountered in literature (i.e., a text not written by the student).

(4) While the shape of each meeting is chosen by the presenting student and the group, it is advised that each seminar includes at least (a) a presentation of the problem by the student; (b) short comments by the other members of the team; (c) general discussion.


Written feedback will be provided to students presenting at each seminar within a week after the meeting. Each student is free to ask for feedback whenever he or she feels the need to.

For the final grade, the students will be assessed by the Head of the Seminar, who will take into account the opinions of other faculty, especially the given student’s PhD Advisor(s). The following elements will be taken into consideration:

– The timely preparation of the materials required for each seminar

– The quality of the presentations

– Preparation for each seminar and productive engagement in discussions


(2) Readings.

(a) The two students appointed to each of the seminars can choose to either work in a tandem and prepare the whole seminar together, or work individually and prepare half of the seminar each. In any case, the students may ask other participants for assistance.

(b) At least two weeks before each seminar, students send the proposed reading and descriptions of any additional assignments to the Head of the Seminar, who then distributes it among other participants. The readings should (1) relate to the student’s (or students’) field(s) of expertise; (2) be of a manageable length; and (3) provide the possibility for interdisciplinary discussion among the participants.

(c) The student(s) proposing the reading can organize the seminar as they see fit. It is strongly encouraged that the seminar includes a short presentation explaining the premise of the text and the reason for its inclusion, and gives ample time for discussion among the participants.

(d) The readings proposed by Faculty and the assignments for them will be distributed at least two weeks prior to each seminar. Assessment Written feedback will be provided to students presenting at each seminar within a week after the meeting. Each student is free to ask for feedback whenever he or she feels the need to. For the final grade, the students will be assessed by the Head of the Seminar, who will take into account the opinions of other faculty, especially the given student’s PhD Advisor(s). The following elements will be taken into consideration: – The timely preparation of the texts and readings required for each seminar – The quality of the texts, presentations and peer-reviews – Preparation for each seminar and productive engagement in discussions

Efekty uczenia się:

(1) Presentations.

(a) At least two weeks before the presentation, i.e., before 27 December or 10 January for the first and the second seminar respectively, the student will send to the Head of the Seminar a short text (5-10 pages) that will serve as the basis for the discussion. The text can be (1) an early draft of a fragment of the dissertation; (2) an exposition of a problem (methodological or otherwise) that the student has encountered in his or her work and wants to discuss in an interdisciplinary environment; (3) another piece of text, provided that it is directly linked to the dissertation and has been agreed upon with the PhD Advisor(s) and the Head of the Seminar. The Head of the Seminar and the rest of the faculty are available for consultation prior to the sending of the final version of the paper, but please ensure that such consultations take place well before the two-week deadline. Unrevised and unchanged fragments of prior works, such as the Draft of the Dissertation Project, or already published articles will not be accepted, as the aim of the seminars is to analyze works in progress.

(b) The Head of the Seminar will then send the text to the Seminar Participants, including the PeerReviewer. The Peer-reviewer prepares a 1-2-page reply to the paper and sends it to the Head of the Seminar a week before the meeting. Regardless of their role, all participants should read the paper and be prepared to discuss it.

(c) Each half or the seminar meeting will consist of a 15-20-minute presentation by the student, 5-10- minute replies by the PhD Advisor(s) and the Peer-reviewer, and a general discussion. The presentation should not be a reading of the paper and should not only present the text in question, but also aim to present the student’s work in a wider context.

(d) Within two weeks of the seminar, the student sends a revised version of their paper, including a reply to the peer review and the PhD Advisor(s) comments to the Head of the Seminar. The reply may either be embedded in the revised text or provided as a separate document. The Head of the Seminar 6 then distributes the documents among the students and Faculty, who are encouraged to send further comments (although they are not required to do so).

Metody i kryteria oceniania:


(0) Before the end of October, each student will choose the seminars during which he or she will be presenting their work (10 or 24 January) and propose a reading (28 February or 27 March), bearing in mind that the readings can be proposed in tandems (see below). Between November 1 and November 7, the students will additionally decide whose work they will be peer-reviewing. The preferences should be sent to the Head of the Seminar at k.skonieczny@al.uw.edu.pl and will be honored at a first come, first served basis.

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