Uniwersytet Warszawski - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
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Medieval History of Azerbaijan [3600-TU-MHofA-OG] Semestr letni 2019/20
Wykład monograficzny, grupa nr 1

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Przedmiot: Medieval History of Azerbaijan [3600-TU-MHofA-OG]
Zajęcia: Semestr letni 2019/20 [2019L] (zakończony)
Wykład monograficzny [WYK-MON], grupa nr 1 [pozostałe grupy]
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każdy czwartek, 13:15 - 14:45
sala 178
Pałac Zamojskich - Nowy Świat 69 jaki jest adres?
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Data i miejsceProwadzący
Liczba osób w grupie: 12
Limit miejsc: 30
Zaliczenie: Egzamin
Prowadzący: Nargiz Akhundova

 Mahmudov Y.M. Azerbaijan and Europe. London-Los Angeles, 2011;

 Mahmudov Y.M. Historical inheritance right of the people of Azerbaijan, Baku, 2017;

 The Iravan khanate. The Works of the Institute of History of ANAS, Baku, 2010;

 Azerbaijani History: from ancient times to the present day. 2010, http://www.visions.az/en/news/179/fc94314f/;

 Z.M. Buniyatov. A History of the Khorezmian State under the Anushteginids, 1097-1231. (Editors: Shahin Mustafayev, Thomas Welsford) Samarkand: IICAS, 2015;

 The Cambridge History of Iran. Vol. 6. The Timurid and Safavid Periods. (Edited by P.Jakson and l.Lokhart). Cambridge University Press, 1986;

 Fischel Walter J. Azarbaijan in Jewish History. American Academy for the Jewish Researches. V.22, 1953;

 Bosworth C. The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual. Edinburg, 2004;

 Chaudhury K. Trade and Civilization: An economic history from the rise of Islam to 1750. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

 Исмаилов Эльдар. Очерки по истории Азербайджана. Москва, 2011;

 Гусейн-заде Р.А., Ахундова Н.Ч. Кавказ и великие тюркские империи. Баку, 2012;

 Ахундова Н.Ф. Суфизм в Азербайджане: возвышение шейха Сефи ад-дина Ардебили в эпоху ильханата. Москва, 2018.

Zakres tematów:

The subject implies the study of the history, religion and ideology of Azerbaijan, as a main center of the Turkic world in the Medieval Caucasus. The main attention will be paid to the historical development of Azerbaijan as a control center for the largest powers:

• The Seljuks

• The Ildegizids (1136-1225)

• Hulaiguids (1258-1338)

• Qara Quyunlu ("tribes with a black sheep") (1410-1468)

• Aq Quyunlu ("tribes with a white sheep") (1468-1501).

• The Safavids (1501-1736)

• Nadir Shah Afshar (1736-1747)

• The period of independent khanates in Azerbaijan after the death of Nadir Shah

• The Qajars (1795-1925)

• Russian-Qajar Wars. Separation of Azerbaijan

Metody dydaktyczne:

Class lecture with the use of audio-visual materials

Metody i kryteria oceniania:

Students are required to read at least 4 assigned readings (primary sources as well as monographs) whose contents will be discussed during the final oral exam along with the contents of the lecture and textbooks.

Evaluation upon the content of the lecture and assigned readings (oral exam after the second semester)

Assessment methods are:

1. Students attendance

2. Written exam in a form of a test of choice at the end of the semester.

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