University of Warsaw - Central Authentication System
Strona główna

Courses in registration (in Polish) Rejestracja na zajęcia semestralne obowiązkowe dla studentów III roku studiów st. I stopnia + SFK 3321-2022Z-ZS3+SFK

This list includes courses which are temporarily excluded from registration (but they were or will by included during other rounds of this registration).
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Precisely - show only these courses which are related to such open registration which allows you to register for the course.

Additionally, courses which you are already registered for (or applied for registration) are also included.

Show only this courses which belong to the selected group: Bolded are those course groups containing courses which are related to such open registration which allows you to register for the course.
If you want to change these settings permanently
edit your preferences in the My USOSweb menu.

Brief description

(in Polish) Kurs zajmie się historycznymi, społecznymi i kulturalnymi zmianami we Włoszech w okresie ostatnich 25 lat.

Course page

Brief description

(in Polish) Wykład stanowi wprowadzenie do najistotniejszych autorów i problematyki literatury włoskiej XX w.

Course page
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 55 20 000
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