(in Polish) Workshop - developing equality attitudes among UW's students
General data
Course ID: | 0000-WDEAA-OG |
Erasmus code / ISCED: | (unknown) / (unknown) |
Course title: | (unknown) |
Name in Polish: | Workshop - developing equality attitudes among UW's students |
Organizational unit: | University of Warsaw |
Course groups: |
General university courses General university courses in the social sciences |
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): |
(not available)
Language: | English |
Type of course: | general courses |
Prerequisites (description): | (in Polish) The workshop is intended for: • students of the last four semesters of first-cycle studies; • second-cycle students; • students studing in one of the last four semesters of uniform studies. |
Mode: | Remote learning |
Short description: |
(in Polish) Classes are offered as part of the Integrated Development Program of the University of Warsaw (ZIP), co-financed from the European Social Fund under PO WER 3.5. Workshops will equip participants with knowledge and practical skills in the field of multicultural and communication competences related to equality behavior. The aim of the course is to strengthen equality attitudes among English speaking students of the University of Warsaw. During the course they will acquire new knowledge about discrimination and equality behavior, as well as develop their skills related to counteracting discrimination in the academic community. The workshop is intended for: • students of the last four semesters of first-cycle studies; • second-cycle students; • students studing in one of the last four semesters of uniform studies. |
Full description: |
(in Polish) During the semester, participants will take part in 8 workshops on discrimination, counteracting it and strengthening equality attitudes, with particular emphasis on the academic context. The classes will help to develop participants’ reflectivity and awareness related to their own equality behaviors. The workshops will be conducted on the basis of active and innovative methods. The teaching methods will be diverse and adopted to specific topics. Students will work in small groups, therefore, it will enable each person to deepen his/her/their insight into their own knowledge, skills and attitudes and to work on them systematically. The course will consist of 4 modules: Module I The first module, consisting of 1 workshop, will be devoted to the participants’ integration. Moreover, during first meeting group will define the rules of cooperation. During this module, individual and group goals also will be defined for the remainder of the meetings. Module II Second module will consist of 3 workshops. During the first workshop participants will gain knowledge about issues such as: stereotypes, prejudices, unequal treatment, micro-inequalities, and discrimination. They will also acquire skills allowing them to identify and distinguish various forms of discrimination with particular emphasis on discriminatory behavior in tin academic multicultural environment. The workshop will also be devoted to the axiological foundations of the foundations of equality, with particular emphasis on human rights. The second workshop in this module aims provoke participants’ reflection on their own experiences related to discrimination as a witness, discriminated person and discriminator. As a result participants will become more aware of their own equality attitudes. The third workshop will focus on discrimination’s counteracting. Participants will also learn the paths of reacting to signs of discrimination available at the University of Warsaw. Module III The third module, consisting of 3 workshops. It will be devoted to discrimination on the basis of specific characteristics. The first workshop will be about discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation. Participants will learn the basic terminology of gender equality policy, the definition of gender and various sexual orientations, as well as queer theory. The next workshop will be about discrimination on the basis of such characteristics as race, nationality, ethnic origin. During the workshop, participants will be discuss, among others, what it means to be an immigrant / refugee. The third workshop will focus on two forms of discrimination - based on age and disability. Module IV The last module is a workshop that summarizes all classes. During this module, students will focus on reflective recalling of acquired knowledge and skills as well as on the evaluation of individual and group goals. Moreover, participants will work on creating a catalog of good practices in the field of equality behaviors that can be implemented in the life of the UW community. |
Bibliography: |
(in Polish) Kędziora K., Grędzińska A., red. (2017) Równoważni. Poradnik antydyskryminacyjny dla osób studiujących i zatrudnionych na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski. • Rogowska L., Zielińska H. (2018) Szkolenie antydyskryminacyjne dla MAL - materiały szkoleniowe. Warszawa: Urząd M.St. Warszawy. • Teutsch A., Stoch M., Kozakoszczak A. (2017) Opracowanie merytoryczne na temat przeciwdziałania dyskryminacji i przemocy motywowanej uprzedzeniami dla studentów, studentek, doktorantów, doktorantek, nauczycieli i nauczycielek szkół wyższych. Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagieloński. • Standardy antydyskryminacyjne dla uczelni, Kraków: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie. • Komisja Europejska (2016) Strategiczne zaangażowanie na rzecz równouprawnienia płci w latach 2016-2019. • WHO (2021) Global report on ageism. Geneva • Various video contents |
Learning outcomes: |
(in Polish) Knowledge • A student knows ideas and vocabulary in English related to equality and anti-discrimination • A student is able to define the concept of stereotype, prejudice, discrimination, micro-inequalities, provide their sources and consequences at the psychological, social and legal level in English • A student is aware of the consequences of discrimination on the basis of specific characteristics, such as gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, age and disability. • A student knows the University equality standards and the University of Warsaw’s institutions working for equality. Skills • A student can use the knowledge and vocabulary related to equality and anti-discrimination in English • A student knows how to counteract discrimination in multicultural academic environment • A student is able to communicate in a way that takes into account the equality of all people who make up the community of the University of Warsaw. • A student is able to react in a discriminatory situation while maintaining their boundaries and in a safe way, based on the paths of responding to discrimination at the University of Warsaw. • A student is able to identify and name particular forms of discrimination. Social competencies • A student expresses a positive attitude towards equality values. • A student t declares willingness to take pro-equality actions. • A student declares a willingness to react in discriminatory situations |
Copyright by University of Warsaw.