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History and politics. Discourse on the past in Eastern Europe and Russia.

General data

Course ID: 3620-HPD-H-OG
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: History and politics. Discourse on the past in Eastern Europe and Russia.
Name in Polish: Historia i polityka. Dyskurs o przeszłości w Europie Wschodniej i Rosji. (История и политика. Дискурс о прошлом в Восточной Европе и России.)
Organizational unit: Studies in Eastern Europe
Course groups: (in Polish) Przedmioty ogólnouniwersyteckie Studium Europy Wschodniej
Courses in foreign languages
General university courses
General university courses in the humanities
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Russian
Type of course:

general courses

Prerequisites (description):

Understanding of socio-political and cultural processes in the post-Soviet space. Basic knowledge of theoretical background of contemporary humanities such as orientalism, post-colonial studies, post-socialist studies, theory of historiography, deconstruction. Knowledge of Russian at the min. level B2 is the main requirement for participation in classes. The course will be presented in Russian.


Remote learning

Short description:

Understanding of socio-political and cultural processes in the post-Soviet space. Basic knowledge of theoretical foundations of contemporary humanities such as Orientalism, postcolonial studies, post- socialist studies, theory of historiography, deconstruction. Proficiency in Russian at minimum B2 (B2) level is the main criterion for participation in the class. The lecture course will be delivered in Russian.

Full description:

The course consists of 7 topics. Thematically, each lesson is related to the previous and future lesson. In general, the course is divided into two logical blocks. The first includes an introductory section, the methodological aspects of future analysis, and the analysis of the historiographical narrative in post- Soviet societies in Eastern Europe and Russia. In other words, it creates an understanding of how a particular discourse on the past is constructed and fixed in a particular society. The second block has a more practical meaning. Specific case studies will be used to show the practical purpose of discourse about the past within the power structure and language of politics. Territorially, the course covers contemporary Russia and so-called post-Soviet Eastern Europe with a special focus on such countries as Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine. The main goal of the course is to broaden knowledge about the post-Soviet region and to enable participants to critically reflect on the discourse on the past and its instrumental significance for power.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Aaron J. Cohen (2021) Why so serious? Tragedy and whimsy in late Soviet and post-Soviet Russian monuments,

Canadian Slavonic Papers, 63:1-2, 6-32,

Ankersmit Frank, Narracja, reprezentacja, doświadczenie. Studia z teorii historiografii, tłum. E. Domańska, M.

Zapędowska, S. Sikora i in., red. E. Domańska, Kraków 2004.

Ankersmit Frank, Pochwała subiektywności, tłum. T. Sikora, [w:] Pamięć, etyka i historia. Anglo-amerykańska

teoria historiografi i lat dziewięćdziesiątych (Antologia przekładów), red. E. Domańska, Poznań 2006, s. 55–84.

B. Kagarlicki, Imperium peryferii. Rosja i system światowy, Warszawa 2012.

Blakkisrud, Helge, and Kyzy Abdykapar, Nuraida. 2017. “Female Heroes in a Man’s World: The Construction of

Female Heroes in Kyrgyzstan’s Symbolic Nation-building.” Demokratizatsiya. The Journal of Post-Soviet

Democratization 25(2): 113-135. URL:

Derrida Jacques, Widma Marksa. Stan długu, praca żałoby i nowa Międzynarodówka, tłum. T. Załuski, Warszawa


Domańska, E (2022) Współczesna krytyka antropocentrycznego i europocentrycznego wymiaru historii, [w:]

Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii, red. Domańska&Pomorski, PWN, s. 236-259.

Foucault Michel, Słowa i rzeczy: archeologia nauk humanistycznych, tłum. T. Komendant, Gdańsk 2005.

Kristoffer Michael Rees (2020) Recasting the nation: transforming heroes of the Soviet Union into symbols of

Kazakhstani patriotism, Central Asian Survey, 39:4,

Malinova Olga, In Search of a „Usable Past”: Discourse about National Identity in Post-Soviet Russia, Paper for

the 22th IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, July, 8–12, 2012,


Nandy Ashish, Zapomniane sobowtóry historii, tłum. P. Ambroży-Lis, [w:] Teoria wiedzy o przeszłości na tle

współczesnej humanistyki. Antologia, tłum. P. Ambroży-Lis, red. E. Domańska, Poznań 2010, s. 347–385.

O. Malinowa, Idea wspólnej przeszłości w Rosji postsowieckiej: wyobrażenia o narodzie i imperialnym

dziedzictwie, [w:] Dialog pamięci w regionie ULB, pod. red. A. Nikžentaitisa i M. Kopczyńskiego, Warszawa 2014,

s. 263-282;

Oushakine S. A., (2021) The Colonial Scramble and Its Aftermath: Writing Public Histories of the Postcolonies of

Socialism, eSamizdat: a special issue on (Post-)Soviet Experience Through (Post-)Colonial Lenses. Ed. by Anita

Frison and Marco Puleri, XIV: 19-43,


Pain Emil, The imperial syndrome and its infl uence on Russian nationalism, [w:] The New Russian Nationalism.

Imperialism, Ethnicity and Authoritarianism 2000–15, red. P. Kolstø, H. Blakkisrud, Edinburgh 2016, s.57–64.

Ricoeur, Paul. 1985. Time and narrative, 2 vols., trans. McLaughlin, Kathleen, and Pellauer, David. Chicago and

London: The University of Chicago Press.

Ricoeur, Paul. 1990. Time and narrative, 1 vols., trans. McLaughlin, Kathleen, and Pellauer, David. Chicago and

London: The University of Chicago Press.

Said Edward W., Orientalizm, tłum. M. Wyrwas-Wiśniewska, Poznań 2005 (ponowne wydanie w 2018 r).

Saifullayeu Anton, Postkolonialne historiografie. Casus jednego średniowiecza, Warszawa 2020.

Serhy Yekelchyk (2021) Symbolic plasticity and memorial environment: the afterlife of Soviet monuments in post-

Soviet Kyiv, Canadian Slavonic Papers, 63:1-2, 207-228, de Michel, The Writing of History, tłum. T.

Conley, New York 1988.

Sher-Niyaz, Sadyk. 2014. “Kurmanzhan Datka: Queen of the Mountains.” Kyrgyz Film.

Tucker Aviezer, Our Knowledge of the Past. A Philosophy of Historiography, Cambridge 2004.

Volodymyr Kulyk (2016) National Identity in Ukraine: Impact of Euromaidan and the War, Europe-Asia Studies,

68:4, 588-608,

White Hayden, Proza historyczna, tłum. R. Borysławski, T. Dobrogoszcz i in., Kraków 2009.

White Hayden, Przeszłość praktyczna, tłum. J. Burzyński, A. Czarnacka, T. Dobrogoszcz i in., Kraków 2014.

Wolff Larry, Inventing Eastern Europe. The Map of Civilization on the Mind of the Enlightenment, Stanford 1994.

Zamorski, K (2022) Problem prawdy i postprawdy w historii, [w:] Wprowadzenie do metodologii historii, red.

Domańska&Pomorski, PWN, 442-463.

Zarycki Tomasz, Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe, Croydon 2014.

Серто Мишель де., Историографическая процедура. Письмо, tłum. Б. Дубина, [dostęp: 01.12.2019].

Learning outcomes: (in Polish)

K_W01 zna podstawową terminologię nauk humanistycznych i rozumie ich rolę kulturze;

K_W02 zna podstawową terminologię nauk społecznych i rozumie ich rolę kulturze;

K_W05 zna podstawowe metody analizy i interpretacji tekstów kultury.

K_W07 zna najważniejsze metody badań interdyscyplinarnych

- umiejętności (U)

K_U01 selekcjonować oraz dokonać krytycznej oceny informacji pochodzących z różnych źródeł naukowych, popularnonaukowych, publicystycznych i innych;

K_U02 dokonywać analizy dzieł sztuki oraz tekstów naukowych i materiałów źródłowych za pomocą odpowiednich narzędzi badawczych.

- kompetencje społeczne (K)

K_K03 jest gotów do poznawania nowych metod badawczych;

K_K07 przestrzega zasady tolerancji i ma poszanowanie dla różnic kulturowych;

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

An essay (7,000-10,000 characters) on one of the topics within a course or oral exam.

An additional criterion for the final grade will be attendance at classes.

This course is not currently offered.
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