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(in Polish) Tutorial do wyboru na I semestrze I roku st. na kierunku geologia poszukiwawcza (course group defined by Faculty of Geology)

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Course group: (in Polish) Tutorial do wyboru na I semestrze I roku st. na kierunku geologia poszukiwawcza
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2023 - Academic year 2023/24
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

The aim of this tutorial is to highlight the importance of mineral and rock resources used by humans for centuries in the public space, including industry, architecture, medicine and cosmetology. The goal is to learn to look at those resources in critical light and point out the desirable and undesirable qualities of the raw materials in the context of utility for humans. During the course, the student, depending on the selected subject of the tutorial, will be able to either independently execute analytical research or critically analyze information available in the literature.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

The tutorial presents the methods of chemical dating of minerals and thus indirectly the methods of dating both crystalline and sedimentary rocks containing these minerals. Applied are methods available in the laboratories at the Faculty of Geology, including electron microprobe with cathodoluminescence and electron scanning microscopy. All stages leading to a reliable age determination are presented in details, step by step, both in crystalline and detritic sedimentary rocks (where applicable). The final result of the research are age determinations of the investigated mineral phases. Critical assessment of the obtained results are an important part of the work.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 15 hours

Brief description

The tutorial covers the issues of climatic, environmental and palaeogeographical changes in the Quaternary of Europe, including contemporary climate changes, relief formation processes, human expansion and its impact on the natural environment, and the faunal research. The student studies literature on these topics, prepares discussions, presentations and essays. During the meetings, the discussion may evolve in accordance with the interests of students taking part in the tutorial.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

The classes have a form of tutoring as individualised discussions between student and tutor. The discussed issues will be reated to foredeeps represented by Fore-Carpathian Basin. The exact subjects will be moderated by tutor according to needs of student and evolution of student’s knowledge, abilities and interest.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

Anatomy, evolution and mode of life of fossil vertebrates.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

Topics include the analysis of complex causes and consequences of the great extinctions as well as contemporary environmental changes (natural or anthropogenic) in the context of potential impact on the biosphere. The scope and stratigraphic range of the topic depends on the individual interests of the student and is determined in consultation with the tutor.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

The tutorial in a practical way explores and enhances the petrological and mineralogical field skills and knowledge in terms of description and characteristics of a selected Scandinavian erratic boulder. In particular it encompasses:

- field work and sampling the boulder for further laboratory and instrumental research;

- preparation of the sample for thin section and polished slab;

- petrographic study under stereoscopic and polarizing microscope;

- instrumental analysis: X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope;

- detailed description of the object including macro- and microscopic characteristics (structures, textures, mineral composition, secondary changes, etc.), outline of petrogenesis, evaluation of popular science potential with respect to promulgation the Earth sciences or prospective legal protection of the studied object.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studenta z podstawowymi metodami otrzymywania kompozytu ilastego z nanosrebrem. Przedmiot jest odpowiedzią na zmieniające się trendy wykorzystania surowców mineralnych w kosmetyce i ochronie środowiska. W ramach realizacji przedmiotu student zostanie zapoznany z metodyką wykonywania kompozytu o osnowie mineralnej, oraz jego możliwymi aplikacjami w przemyśle. Przedstawiony zakres tematyczny ma charakter interdyscyplinarny łącząc zagadnienia z zakresu mineralogii, mikrobiologii, inżynierii materiałowej, ochrony środowiska, nauk medycznych oraz uregulowań prawnych.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

Tutorial (an individualized discussion, one-to-one, between student and tutor) is focused on the sedimentological subjects that will be proposed by the tutor. The subjects may evolve according to the interests of the students taking part in the tutorial. Scientific papers, internet and media reports on the sedimentology of clastic rocks as well as on present-day environments on Earth and other planets of the solar system will be analyzed during the meetings. The selection of papers and other sources will depend on the individual student interests.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Tutorial - 16 hours

Brief description

During the course the student carries a research survey on a chosen topic in the field of modern applications of magnetic methods. Some suggested topics are the following: magnetic fields of planets and moons of the Solar System, mapping and interpretation of magnetic anomalies, relation of the Earth magnetic field to geodynamic processes and continental drift reconstructions. For a microscale research, the crystallization and transformation of magnetic minerals (iron compounds) in surficial environments, diagenesis and microbial processes may be studied.

The course may result in various kinds of work: scientific publication study, writing short scientific reports, preparing GIS maps and digital models.

Course page
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00-927 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 55 20 000
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