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Master seminars for Mathematics (course group defined by Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics)

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Course group: Master seminars for Mathematics
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2023 - Academic year 2023/24
2024 - Academic year 2024/25
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2023 2024
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The subject of the seminar covers the basic sections of bioinformatics and computational genomics, with particular emphasis on the applied mathematical models and algorithmic methods. We are interested in molecular sequence analysis, comparative genomics, evolution and organization of genomes, phylogenetics and molecular evolution, as well as analysis of data from high-throughput sequencing and other large-scale experimental techniques of modern genomics.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar presents applications of mathematics in life insurance, including retirement plans.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar covers selected significant results of mathematical analysis. Participants are expected to present their Master's theses at the seminar.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

Several basic algebraic structures are studied. In particular: groups and semigroups, rings and algebras,

modules, matrices and linear representations. Classical results and open problems are discussed and a variety of applications is presented.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar concentrates on various mathematical techniques helpful in data processing. The main focus is on intelligent data analysis, knowledge discovery from data and data mining. Another important topic of the seminar includes mathematical foundations and models underlying reasoning schemes on the basis of collected data in presence of vagueness, imprecision, ambiguity, and incompleteness.

The seminar encompasses both theoretical and applicational studies in the corresponding areas.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Seminarium dotyczy szeroko rozumianej tematyki uczenia maszynowego, w tym:

* wstępnego przetwarzania i eksploracji danych,

* konstrukcji modeli statystycznych,

* zagadnienia wyboru cech i wyboru modelu,

* algorytmicznych aspektów dopasowania modelu,

* oceny skuteczności modeli predykcyjnych oraz diagnostyka struktury modeli.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

We will discuss mathematical models and methods used in natural and social sciences. We will analyze complex processes in Physics, Biology, Medicine and Social Sciences that can be described by discrete and continuous dynamical systems both deterministic and stochastic.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

We will analyse various models of financial markets. We shall discuss not only theoretical properties of various models but also numerical aspects of pricing and hedging financial instruments.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The goal of the seminar is to improve and enhance the understanding of mathematical statistics acquired when attending courses of lectures.

The seminar covers chosen theoretical topics as well as some practical applications of statistics.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar covers a variety of number-theoretic topics with particular emphasis on those that are related to cryptography.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The research seminar is devoted to numerical methods and their using in computational mathematics. We are interested different problems which have numerical and approximation aspects. The problems can be pure numerical or/and appearing in different type of applied mathematics where numerical methods are important parts. Finally, the problems appearing in "pure mathematics" where numerical method are used (for example to construct counter examples). A separate subject on the seminar is computer graphics. We are also interested on works related to parallel algorithms, complexity of continuous problems and quantum computations.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar will cover the basic methods used in natural sciences. The main theme are problems of mathematical physics and other disciplines which may be formulated in the language of partial differential equations and continuous dynamical systems.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar addresses topics related to broadly understood stochastic modeling in finance.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar includes topics that extend or go beyond the basic lecture on Probability Theory, as well as selected appliactions of the theory in other areas.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

Geometric and topological properties of manifolds and related spaces studied using a broad spectrum of mathematical disciplines, including category theory, algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, differential geometry and global analysis.

Course page
Academic year 2023/24
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Second cycle diploma seminar - 60 hours

Brief description

The seminar presents selected topics in set theory and

general (point-set) topology.

Course page
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 55 20 000
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