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(in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla filologii klasycznej - I roku studiów 1go stopnia (course group defined by Institute of Classic Studies)

Faculty: Institute of Classic Studies Courses displayed below are part of group defined by this faculty, but this faculty is not necessarily the one that organizes these courses. Read Help for more information on this subject.
Course group: (in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla filologii klasycznej - I roku studiów 1go stopnia
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2023Z - Winter semester 2023/24
2023L - Summer semester 2023/24
2023 - Academic year 2023/24
2024Z - Winter semester 2024/25
2024L - Summer semester 2024/25
2024 - Academic year 2024/25
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2023Z 2023L 2023 2024Z 2024L 2024
3006-AIILA1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Classes - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Classes - 60 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Ćwiczenia służące poznaniu najważniejszych dzieł literatury starożytnej i ich recepcji w kulturze nowożytnej.

Course page
3006-HST1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Lecture - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Lecture - 60 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Wykład z historii starożytnej, nauki pomocniczej literaturoznawstwa, w sposób syntetyczny przybliża słuchaczom najważniejsze zagadnienia z historii starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu.

Course page
3006-WLAINT-IFK n/a n/a

n/a n/a
Academic year 2023/24
  • Seminar - 4 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Lecture - 4 hours

Brief description

The Protection of the Intellectual Property Rights presents how the protection of the intellectual property takes effect in Poland in favour of legal owners. In the first place copyright is analysed during the lecture, then the patent right, trademarks, industrial design marks are characterized.

The subject describes situations and activities which can cause an infringement of the intellectual property right. Futhermore, the policy on the intellectual property right in the higher education institutes is presented.

Course page
3006-EKA1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Lecture - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Lecture - 60 hours

Brief description

The ancient history classes titiled: The Greeks and their Gods. The Religion and the Social Life in Ancient Greeks are based on common reading of the ancient sources and discussion about them.

Course page
3006-LAO1 n/a n/a n/a

Summer semester 2023/24
  • Seminar - 10 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Seminar - 10 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Zajęcia są poświęcone lekturze w oryginale wskazanego autora klasycznego. Na zajęciach student zdobywa podstawowe kompetencje potrzebne do samodzielnej lektury, analizy i interpretacji tekstów starożytnych, które są niezbędne na dalszym etapie studiów oraz w przyszłej pracy naukowej.

Course page
3006-PNJG1-P n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Classes - 180 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Classes - 180 hours

Brief description

This is the first part of the two-year full advanced course of ancient Greek language for the students of classical philology. This class focuses on skills and competences useful in translation and interpretation of ancient Greek literary texts of medium difficulty.

Course page
3006-ZHLGiŁ1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Lecture - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Lecture - 60 hours

Brief description

The lecture is aimed at presenting synthetic outline of the history of both literatures with a special consideration of famous ancient literary genres and of the most remarkable authors and works.

Course page
3006-WFK-1 n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Lecture - 60 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Lecture - 60 hours

Brief description

This lecture is an introduction to the study of classical Greek and Latin literature. Its main purpose is to teach students the history of transmission of Greek and Latin texts and to acquaint them with basic research tools in the field of classical studies.

Course page
3006-PNJŁ1-Z n/a n/a n/a n/a

Academic year 2023/24
  • Classes - 180 hours
Academic year 2024/25
  • Classes - 180 hours

Brief description

The first year of two-year full extended course of Latin for students of Classical Philology. The classes are addressed to students who have learnt Latin in a high school or at university courses.

Course page
3006-WIF1 n/a n/a n/a

Summer semester 2023/24
  • Seminar - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Seminar - 30 hours

Brief description

The purpose of the lecture is to present methods of digitization of texts.

Course page
0000-BHP-OG n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • E-learning course - 4 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • E-learning course - 4 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • E-learning course - 4 hours

Brief description

The subject of the course is the acquisition of basic knowledge in the field of:

- occupational safety and health,

- elements of labor law,

- fire protection

- first aid in the event of an emergency,

- issues related to the radioactive element radon,

- evacuation of people with special needs.

Course page
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00-927 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 55 20 000
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