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(in Polish) Przedmioty obieralne na studiach drugiego stopnia na kierunku bioinformatyka (course group defined by Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics)

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Course group: (in Polish) Przedmioty obieralne na studiach drugiego stopnia na kierunku bioinformatyka
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2023Z - Winter semester 2023/24
2023L - Summer semester 2023/24
2024Z - Winter semester 2024/25
2024L - Summer semester 2024/25
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2023Z 2023L 2024Z 2024L
n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

This is a fundamental course in functional analysis. The course gives a basic knowledge on Banach and Hilbert spaces and their geometric properties. The next topic of the course concerns linear functionals and operators in these spaces and their properties. The course gives also basic informations on spectra and spectral properties of linear operators. In particular, spectra of compact operators in Hilbert spaces are discussed.

Course page
n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The scope of the lecture is the basic knowledge concerning variety of enzymes as well as their structure, specificity and mechanism of action. Based on examples the catalytic and kinetics theories will be described. The diversity in catalytic strategy in enzyme class will be shown. The application of enzymes in the biotechnological processes will be also shown.

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Na wykładach zostaną przedstawione zagadnienia związane z procesem fotosyntezy, widzianym jako ciąg procesów umożliwiających, w oparciu o złożony, hierarchicznie zorganizowany układ strukturalny, wykorzystanie reakcji fotochemicznych. Zostaną omówione fizyczne podstawy procesów fotochemicznych, budowa strukturalna kompleksów białkowo-barwnikowych roślin i ich przestrzenna organizacja w błonach chloroplastów. Omówiona zostanie biogeneza i budowa chloroplastów oraz procesy związane z regulacją fotosyntezy. Szeroko zostaną przedstawione współczesne kierunki badań nad fotosyntezą, w tym modyfikacje tego procesu i zagadnienia sztucznej fotosyntezy.

Course page
n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 45 hours
  • Lecture - 45 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 45 hours
  • Lecture - 45 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) The theoretical framework known as hydrodynamics and elasticity provides a powerful and complete description of our world at macroscopic scales (i.e, at large scales and long times compared to the molecular scales). The macroscopic dynamics of a variety of complex systems, such as biological and soft materials, atmospheric clouds, and the crust of the Earth, poses a formidable challenge for theoretical modeling, in which knowledge of classical hydrodynamics and elasticity is a major prerequisite.

This course introduces the basic equations of hydrodynamics and elasticity and

methods of their solution.

• We discuss the physics of everyday phenomena

• We provide a uniform mathematical framework to describe flow and deformation

• We show numerous real-life applications and examples

Course page
n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Wykład jest kontynuacją wykładu Inżynieria Finansowa. Na wykładzie będą przedstawione wybrane metody wyceny instrumentów opcyjnych na stopę procentową oraz praktyki rynkowe wyceny opcji walutowych. Ćwiczenia będą się koncentrowały na przykładach numerycznych ilustrujących omawiane na wykładzie metody.

Course page
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Workshop seminar - 18 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Workshop seminar - 16 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Workshop seminar - 18 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Zajęcia pozwalają na zdobycie interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy z zakresu zmian klimatu, niezbędnej w obliczu pogłębiającego się kryzysu ekologicznego.

Kurs będzie podzielony na dwie części:

Zajęcia e-learningowe, umożliwiające zdobycie podstawowej wiedzy na temat zmian klimatu, jego mechanizmów oraz konsekwencji dla przyrody i człowieka. Ta część kursu będzie wymagała zaznajomienia się z materiałami na platformie kampus come i rozwiązania dotyczących ich zadań. Kurs zbudowany jest z bloku fizycznego, przyrodniczego, ekonomiczno-społecznego i psychologicznego.

Sześć warsztatów stacjonarnych, na których pogłębimy wybrane aspekty kryzysu klimatycznego: wpływ na bilans wodny ekosystemów, na lasy, rolnictwo, interakcje międzygatunkowe; emocjonalne konsekwencje kryzysu klimatycznego i jak sobie z nimi radzić; mity klimatyczne i jak o nich rozmawiać).

Course page
n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The course aims to introduce into the theory of quantized and

categorified invariants of knots. After explaining the classical Alexander,

Conway, Jones and HOMFLY-PT polynomials, we will quantize them

with the use of representations of quantum groups and the Reshetikhin-

Turaev functor and categorify to the Khovanov-Lee homology. All technicalities will be explained on the spot when needed. The course is based on selected fragments of the literature listed below. The suggestions for further reading will be provided.

Course page
n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Przyjrzymy się specyfice wybranych zadań obliczeniowych spotykanych w zagadnieniach analizy danych oraz uczenia maszynowego oraz własnościom algorytmów używanych do ich rozwiązywania.

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 60 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Contemporary evolutionary biology and ecology can hardly exist without molecular tools. These tools however differ from classic molecular applications. Studies in molecular ecology and evolution are focused on specific research topics, such as sources and mechanisms of the genetic differences between individuals or signatures of selection.

From technical point of view, studies of non-model species usually have to deal with difficult sources of DNA material, low material quantity or poor quality, problems with sample preservation and storage etc.

Course page
n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Treść zajęć: Cele i zasady monitoringu, monitorowanie kompleksowe. Systemy i techniki pomiarowe w monitoringu środowiska. Podstawowe wskaźniki i dopuszczalne normy stanu środowiska - powietrza, wody i gleby. Reprezentatywność laboratoriów, kalibracja i interkalibracja metodyk, certyfikacja materiałów odniesienia, archiwizacja prób, banki gatunków i materiałów środowiskowych. Monitoring powietrza, wód podziemnych i powierzchniowych oraz osadów, gleby i gruntów. Monitoring skażeń promieniotwórczych. Ocena stanu środowiska na podstawie występowania specyficznych gatunków oraz zmian ilościowych składników biocenozy. Gromadzenie i opracowywanie danych z monitoringu. Sieć monitoringu polskiego - powiązania z monitoringiem europejskim i światowym. Celem zajęć będzie poznanie metod dostarczających informacji o stanie środowiska na przykładzie oceny skażeń środowiskowych za pomocą monitoringu aparaturowego i biomonitoringu.

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The number of tourists traveling steadily increases, especially in Europe, more and more people are going on holiday to tropical, subtropical and other countries. This subject is to introduce and deepen the knowledge about human and zoonotic parasites belonging to the "Neglected Tropical Diseases" group, less known exotic diseases that we can meet while going on vacation to various parts of the world. The presented knowledge about the routes of infection and diagnosis of these diseases will allow selection of the appropriate prevention methods and enable safe travels to the tropics.

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The course will be devoted to some important types of results on unprovability in axiomatic theories. Unprovability theorems are a formal expression of the idea that some mathematical problems cannot be solved using certain methods, notions, or objects.

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Convex geometry deals mainly with convex sets in Euclidean spaces. During the lectures we shall focus on certain important inequalities in this field, including isoperimetric and concentration inequalities, Brunn-Minkowski type inequalities and Khinchine inequalities.

Course page
n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 60 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Lab - 60 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Celem zajęć jest wielokierunkowe podejście do zagadnień diagnozowania schorzeń pasożytniczych i odzwierzęcych, które pozwoli na wykształcenie w studentach umiejętności analitycznego i ukierunkowanego na wszechstronny rozwój myślenia przygotowującego do wykorzystania innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zakresie swoich specjalności zawodowych.

Podczas zajęć praktycznych, student będzie rozwiązywał problemy diagnostyczne, w oparciu o wiele narzędzi badawczych, z uwzględnieniem nowych technologii. Będzie dokonywał weryfikacji ich przydatności w zależności od czynników populacyjnych, środowiskowych i ekonomicznych niezbędnych do rozumienia zagadnień i problemów otaczającego świata. .

Nabyte umiejętności student będzie mógł wykorzystać w wielu dziedzinach swojej działalności, niezależnie od podejmowanego/kontynuowanego kierunku studiów.

Course page
n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The lecture is an introduction to the supervised learning, in other words statistical prediction, focused on modern linear methods and largely (about 2/3) based on "The Elements of Statistical Learning" by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman.

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description
No brief description found, go to course home page to get more information.
Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 20 hours
  • Lecture - 70 hours

Brief description

International Summer School is a 5-day course, providing students with the knowledge and practical skills about plant genome editing by CRISPR/Cas9.

Learning activities: lectures, laboratory exercises, in silico exercises, virtual labs, and the final conference with a discussion of the legislative, economic, and ethical aspects of genome editing by CRISPR/Cas9.

Research tasks:

1. Identification of target genes for the protection of plants of agricultural interest

2. Planning of experiments using genome editing, including molecular biology and bioinformatics

3. Application of genome editing tools to plant-pathogen interactions

4. Analysis of sequences derived from genomic editing events

5. Plant in vitro cultures

6. Phenotyping of plant disease

Students are required to prepare a final report around 2 months after completing the course. The report should be prepared by international groups (around 4 persons). The results of the work will be presented during a remote meeting

Course page
n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description
No brief description found, go to course home page to get more information.
Course page
1000-1M18ZRR n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

This course presents a survey of more advanced methods of PDE theory: smoothness of solutions of elliptic equations, method of difference quotients, Fredholm theory, elements of Schauder theory and semigroup theory, variational methods.

Course page
1000-2N09ZBD n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The course will cover various issues which have not fit into the basic database course. Furthermore, the database research domain is so huge that it would not fit into any basic course. The subjects of lectures will be relational database tuning, object-relational mapping, columnar data store, NOSQL stores (key-value, wide-column, document, graph), advanced server programming and distributed databases.

Course page
1000-2M11ZPF n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The lecture aims to present central issues in modern functional programming in languages such as Haskell, Coq, Idris, especially focusing on usung types for program specification and verification.

Course page
1000-2M22ZJ n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the advanced aspects of Java and their practical use in an extensive programming project.

Course page
1400-226ZTBTM-en n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 70 hours
  • Lecture - 20 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Lab - 70 hours
  • Lecture - 20 hours

Brief description

The course focuses on new methods in molecular biology with potential applications in biotechnology. The lecture will introduce the students to the experimental part. The classes are divided into thematic blocks:


2. Protein as products

3. Intellectual Property in Biotechnology

The course covers the following list of tasks and topics:

- preparation of constructs for heterologous expression, alternative cloning methods (SLIC, GATEWAY), computer analysis of genes and genomes,

expression and purification of proteins with biotechnological applications,

- The CRISPR genome editing method, the construction of mutants using this method, and discussion of its applicative variants

- Elements of patent law with particular emphasis on biotechnology patents (so-called 'case study').

During the course, special attention will be paid to the student's work (or work in pairs), both in terms of practical and in silico experiments and terms of theoretical knowledge

Course page
1000-2N09ZSO n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Lab - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The course it is highly recommended for students who plan to attend Master Seminar on Distributed Systems, which is partly devoted to operating systems and in particular distributed operating systems. The course will have a form of lectures and labs.

We plan to view in detail the structure of a specific operating system. The chosen case study is Linux which is modern operating system, popular in the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, often used as server platform, but also on desktops, mobiles, as embedded system. Source code of Linux is freely available which gives a unique opportunity to analyze in detail used algorithms, data structures, and also to run experiments and do research in the area of operating systems.

Course page
1000-135GEA n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

This is an introductory course in algebraic geometry. The aim is to introduce students to algebraic varieties and their basic geometric properties. At the end of the course examples of applications of algebraic geometry will be shown.

Course page
1000-1M22GAD n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Podstawowym celem jest zrozumienie różnych technik stosowanych do badania rozmaitości zdefiniowanych nad ciałami o dodatniej charakterystyce i zastosowanie tych metod do badania rozmaitości w charakterystyce zero.

Pokazane będą też znaczące różnice występujące między rozmaitościami w charakterystyce zero i w charakterystyce dodatniej.

Course page
1000-135MGT n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Fundamental notions of the category theory, additive and abelian categories. Tensor product in the category of modules. Projective and injective modules, resolvents. Graded groups, chain complexes and their homologies.

Derived functors of Hom and of the tensor product. Presheaves, sheaves and their cohomologies.

Simplicial cohomologies and Cech cohomologies. Coverings and principal bundles; cohomological interpretation.

Course page
1000-135TA n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Homotopy groups. Fibrations and cofibrations. Long exact sequence of homotopy grooups of fibration. Axioms for generalized (co-)homology. Singular (co-)homology. Degree of self-maps of spheres. Cellular (co-)homology. De Rham cohomology. Multiplicative structure in singular (co-)homology. Orientation of topological manifolds and duality theorems. Intersection number and linking number.

Course page
1000-2M02AA n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Game theory was initiated by von Neumann and Morgenstern as a mathematical theory of rational behaviour. A game comprises description of possible moves and payoffs for each of the players. Typically, each player searches for a strategy maximizing her payoff. The rational behaviour of players is well described by the concept of Nash equilibrium.

Course page
1000-2N00ALG n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Classes - 30 hours
  • Lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The course is a continuation of the course "Algorithms and data structures". The aim is to make students acquainted with the methods of constructions of efficient algorithms for various combinatorial problems.

Prerequisities: Algorithms and data structures

Course page
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 55 20 000
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